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Everything posted by ianw1974

  1. You can use the default "nv" driver that comes with Mandriva, unfortunately you won't have great 3D performance at all. So your display will be very basic. I checked Nvidia's website, and they don't provide any drivers at present for Linux and the 100M series cards. So I guess Nvidia might develop something, but I don't know when. You might want to contact Nvidia.
  2. This might be helpful for the nvidia: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_ion_linux&num=1 they did something back in June with this card, and it seems like everything works, including huge resolution too. And this might help you for driver selection by using envy: http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=98523
  3. What IP are you using under Windows versus with rdesktop? If it is the same, and this is the IP that is going via the VPN tunnel, then it's not the tunelling causing the problem. tsclient, rdesktop or whatever just works like the RDP client in Windows, so if your Windows XP Machine is working, then so should tsclient or rdesktop. I use it to connect via machines in two ways - to machines behind a firewall in the UK, and also across the VPN tunnel without problem. I would say it's more to do with either the IP address you are using to try and connect, and/or a routing problem. If access via the firewall without no tunnel, then maybe the port is closed. If via the tunnel, then the port should be open since you can connect via Windows XP and Linux should also work. We need to know how your network looks, and some idea of addresses (you can make up fake addresses for the posts, providing we can understand where they are all going. Here's mine: Linux PC --> Home LAN --> Firewall --> Internet --> UK Firewall --> UK Office LAN --> PC's that works for RDP if I use a public external IP which is assigned to the UK firewall and the appropriate port 3389 to connect to the machine. If it is the VPN tunnel, then I'm using internal IP addresses and not external ones but the end effect is the same in that it works and connects.
  4. Ah, you know now I know I misunderstood :)
  5. You have 100GB of the disk used by a Recovery Partition? That can't be right, that only leaves you with 40GB of physical disk spare for your system to use. Otherwise that's a seriously wasteful recovery partition and I would delete it from my system if that was the case. You should find a tool within Windows that allows you to create CD/DVD sets for your recovery partition. And I simply cannot believe it can be 100GB. I'm hoping it was a typo, and that it's just 10GB!! :) For your partitioning, here's my system: root@esprit:/home/ian# fdisk -l Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Disk identifier: 0x02300e71 Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System /dev/sda1 1 124 995998+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris /dev/sda2 * 125 2614 20000925 83 Linux /dev/sda3 2615 19457 135291397+ 83 Linux note, no I don't have Windows - it's pure Linux, no recovery partition, nothing :) I have 1GB swap partition (sda1), I have 20GB / (sda2), and the rest is allocated to sda3 as /home (127GB). Windows on your machine will be sda1, so you'll be setting up partitions after this for swap, / and /home.
  6. You can do something like this: rpm -qa | grep -i office to filter all packages installed for the ones including office. You can then get a bit more definitive with the list once you know a generic identifier for all OpenOffice packages. Let's assume openoffice.org: rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice.org and see if that lists all the openoffice packages and only the openoffice packages. Once you are sure it does, by comparing both the lists in case we filtered out an openoffice package. Then, you can do: rpm -e `rpm -qa | grep -i openoffice.org` which will then remove all packages by parsing the results from the rpm -qa command. I cannot stress that you must be careful about this, which is why I did the results first with the first two commands to make sure I didn't create a list of packages that I wanted to keep. Of course, once you run the rpm -e command, check the list of results to ensure you have what you need. I'm sure you can also use the gui tool for removing packages, and filter for openoffice.org in here also, and then click and remove what you want. This is how I normally do it though, so it's just a suggestion. Go for the gui if you prefer it to console. Once removed, you can then install the rpms you downloaded.
  7. I'll have to check it out, no firewall was enabled, ip routing was enabled, but from my laptop where I had both the LAN and ppp connection running, it was weird. Have to see if the iptables bit helps it out.
  8. There is a graphical one, aussiejohn has mentioned it before on here, but I can't remember it. I tend to do: cd /home/username du -sh `ls` and you can get a good representation from this. Then move down a directory when you find a large one and go from there. Not ideal, but if I remember that tools name I'll post it here. EDIT: I remember it now, you can install filelight - it'll pull in a load of KDE dependencies though if you use Gnome.
  9. Microsoft has long pooh-poohed Linux as a desktop competitor. But a recent filing with the Security and Exchange Commission has the company admitting for the first time that Linux represents a significant threat to Windows. TechFlash reports that in Microsoft's recent annual filing with the SEC, it listed for the first time Ubuntu's maker Canonical, and Linux distributor Red Hat as competitors to its Client division, which makes Windows. Previously, TechFlash says, Red Hat was listed but only as a competitor to its Business and Server & Tools divisions. In its annual filing, Microsoft warns that Linux is a threat to Windows, particularly in emerging markets and for netbooks. It also warns that Apple is a threat, but it's said that before. The big news is the addition of Linux. Read more here: blogs.computerworld.com
  10. alpha 2 is a testing/beta release so I wouldn't recommend it unless you like unstable systems :) It shouldn't have caused your system to boot to a terminal, something is wrong with your installation if that is the case. If /dev/sdb1 is your /var partition then this must remain, but I don't know which partition you created that you wanted to use and mount as it's not clear from all the posts here. Alternatively, clean install your system again to /dev/sda like you did before, but don't try and mount your second hard disk to /var - try to mount it somewhere else. For example: mkdir /data mount /dev/sdb1 /data and it won't be used by the system directories like when you gave it to /var and got more problems. Of course, since it's mounted to /var you cannot mount it to /data so I think your just better off starting again with a new clean installation than attempting to repair something that doesn't seem to work how it should have done.
  11. OK, I guess nano isn't installed. After the su, you can do: urpmi nano to install it, then repeat process again to edit file: nano -w /etc/fstab
  12. Just doing: /etc/fstab won't do anything as it's trying to run a command. Try: nano -w /etc/fstab after the su or su -. Then put the # in front of the line. Then press CTRL-X and press Y when you are prompted if you want to save the file.
  13. Type: su you need to be root to edit that file. You will be prompted for root password after typing su.
  14. I've never tried it, but you should just need the php package installed that will give you php support. Normally when I've done anything with php I've had a web server running with php installed. There is php for the cli so it should be enough without requiring apache as well.
  15. I would say that this has some sort of problem with initrd not being generated correctly for this kernel. You can generate it again easily enough by booting your previous kernel and then using the mkinitrd command. An example: mkinitrd initrd-2.6.17-5mdv.img 2.6.17-5mdv of course, an initrd will exist for the 2.6.29 kernel you've installed, so you'll need to rename it first to something else before creating a new initrd. Then see after that if it reboots. Replace my version numbers above with the actual 2.6.29 kernel version by checking whats in the /boot directory. Make sure to keep the filename format of the initrd exactly the same as the existing 2.6.29 initrd.
  16. The simplest thing would not have been to remove the gxine package or whatever else it was you were removing. Since it obviously removed dependencies you would have seen a list of packages to remove before you actually clicked yes to accept it. I'm assuming that you didn't read these before clicking? So, install it and stop messing around removing packages you are unsure of and if you really must remove them, check the list of packages before you accept and start removing them. Because after that, it's too late which you've found out more than once now ;) The fault is not Linux or Mandriva.
  17. From your above post: # Entry for /dev/sdb1 : UUID=93c84642-4c4a-4e34-a9b5-5786a1a17218 /var ext3 defaults 1 2 this is the var line. Is this the disk partition you are trying to unmount? If so, change /etc/fstab so it looks like this: # Entry for /dev/sdb1 : #UUID=93c84642-4c4a-4e34-a9b5-5786a1a17218 /var ext3 defaults 1 2 see I put a # in front of the line so that it will be ignored. I meant comment the line out, not uncomment - I made a typo before :) So, if this is the partition you are trying to unmount, do this and when you reboot it won't be mounted and you can do what you want with it after. If it is mounted and /var is in use, you cannot unmount it manually, you will need to reboot whole system. That is why you get "device is busy" because /var is in use.
  18. Hi hirohitosan, Was there any error messages when you boot this new kernel? If you don't see any because of Mandriva logo screen, press ESC to view verbose mode and then make a note of any errors from the screen and post here so we can see what might be the problem.
  19. Yes, uncomment the partition that is in /etc/fstab that relates to /var and reboot your system. Then it won't mount as /var and you can then use the partition for something else. Of course, assuming that /dev/sdb1 is your partition that you mounted as /var as this is what I gather from the /etc/fstab you posted above but correct me if I'm wrong about that.
  20. 90% of the time the packages will be available in the Mandriva repos provided they have all been added, including plf-free and plf-nonfree. I've practically never had to compile anything on Mandriva, or most other distros, but from time to time with something specialistic I've had to. Once you know about easyurpmi to add the repos and searching for the packages this will become second nature and the thing you will always do before resorting to compiling from source :)
  21. Do you mean trying to find available to connect to? If so: iwlist wlan0 scan will give a list of all the ones you can connect to.
  22. I think paul is already in the process of creating KimLinux :)
  23. Try removing the vterm package and reinstalling it again. It'll pull back in any of the files you are missing.
  24. Yes, you'll have to put it back as it was. Gnome isn't the problem here as such either - it's more the way it's been set up by the distro maintainer. I don't have any problems with my USB disks or USB sticks but if I change these mount points, then I have problems with Gnome. This was because udev/hald should be dealing with mounting the disks and it wasn't. The other alternative is to remove or comment out the lines you have in your fstab, and then when you click the disks in Gnome, udev/hald will deal with mounting them and you'll find it to be much much better.
  25. Since I'm in the middle of moving into my new house, I don't have internet at the old home now cos we cancelled the contract. So for now, my internet is via mobile internet using a USB adaptor that I connect to my machine. I can then dial up using pppd and connect to the internet. Problem is, I was trying to get internet sharing using eth0 on the machine, so that a few other machines could all access the internet at the same time. However, as soon as I active pppd, it effectively kills eth0. I can still see it has an IP address, but I cannot ping anywhere to any other machines on my internal network. Has anyone done internet sharing using pppd as the internet connection? And if so, how did you get around this problem? Or is it just me :)
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