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It's been a long time and you helped me in the past, I'm back for more help.


Eschalon a rpg game, ran very well on mandriva 2008.0 and .1

However on 2009 it runs incredibly slowly, the music and actual graphics are fine, but the mouse movement is very jerky and the play is almost standstill.

I am using a hp laptop (old) with a nvideo 3200 vidoe card. and a xorg driver.

any help would be appreciated.






PS. video in general was better in 2008.1 than it has in 2009, I'm hoping 2009.1 will improve matters as 2008.1 over 2008 did.

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time flys when you're having fun.


my bad, it is 2010.0 im using and 2010.1 i'm hoping will improve things.


to recap

Eschalon worked ok in 2008, worked great in 2008.1

but unplayably slow in 2009 and 2009.1 In going to 2009 I had to change to xorg video drivers. and eschalon no longer worked.

And with 2010 there has been no improvement.


I liked the eschalon game, and the sequel is about to come out, buy I dont want to invest if its going to be as problematic.

(these are linux games)






This is a laptop, hp zv5000, 512 ram, with a nvidia 3200 video card.

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