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Will it effecting linux in a future?""Fritz chips&


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Will it effect linux to or is it only for Windows?


It was in isue LXF 32 October.


Mandrake-user :?:

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See this site for a description: http://www.microsoft.com/PressPass/feature...palladiumwp.asp


Microsoft would have you believe that it will take over the world, but there is significant opposition and competing systems. Will it affect Linux? That's doubtful considering the number of servers and corporations using Linux. Microsoft also keeps changing the description in the details of what it is supposed to do, so even they don't know what it is any more than they what ".net" is supposed to do. Hopefully their betting the farm on this one will be the first symptoms of the death of the beast.



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Well one person told me that:


I doubt anybody will accept palladium based systems (except people who go out and buy the first system they see). And of course there is the fact that TCPA will never become standerd of legally required hardware


What you think,because the new labtop got Fritz chips in it,that is the start know :?:

Is it scary :?: .

Do you like it to have a Fritz chip in your computer :?: .


Mandrake-user :roll: :oops:

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Hollings has been replaced as chairman of the committee by Sen. John McCain who is on the user's side in all of this and not the big media companies. You needn't worry much since it's doubtful it will ever see the light of day. Even if it does, it will affect Microsoft users not Linux users.



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Guest LinuxExplorer

This really still comes down to the consumer. I doubt that people, all different OS users, will accept Palladium too readily. Of course, there still is a majority that's uninformed and may fall for marketing schemes and whatnot.

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I have always felt that it is up to experienced computer users to help their friends, neighbours, acquaintances, and even total stangers in a computer store to help them with whatever system they are buying. On two occasions I whispered in the ear of the person standing beside me when the sales dweeb went to answer the phone and told them they were getting shafted. It worked and they thanked me. I would push Linux when someone is looking at XP, but unfortunately there are no Linux packages on the shelves to point to in any of the major stores in my area.



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Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2002 10:32 pm  

Hollings has been replaced as chairman of the committee by Sen. John McCain who is on the user's side in all of this and not the big media companies. You needn't worry much since it's doubtful it will ever see the light of day. Even if it does, it will affect Microsoft users not Linux users.


You know Counterspy what you told me on Nov 12,2002 you are right because I don`t like it happen to any linux OS .That`s why ask the questions.

So I can seat down and relax,have one more drink on you,how you say in german brost,brost again.


Thank you for that good answer.

You saying on Wed Nov 13, 2002:

I have always felt that it is up to experienced computer users to help their friends, neighbours, acquaintances, and even total stangers in a computer store to help them with whatever system they are buying. On two occasions I whispered in the ear of the person standing beside me when the sales dweeb went to answer the phone and told them they were getting shafted. It worked and they thanked me. I would push Linux when someone is looking at XP, but unfortunately there are no Linux packages on the shelves to point to in any of the major stores in my area.


You don`t know what I told my co-worker that I don`t use windows only if I have to,only my wife like to use Microsoft,what can I do.

Well you know if you married so ,anyway I use linux for going to internet.....When I use linux first time,I love it,so I use all the time.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi folks,


The attempt to introduce TCP-platforms seems to be the biggest attempt to overtake computing and networking. This is very serious, it refers mainly by microsoft. The TCPA-alliance (Trusted Computer Platform Alliance) has 200 members or a little more. See the member list (http://www.notcpa.org --> memberlist). You can read about how serious this attempt is, in the net. If it works, how it is planned, then it opens the door to perfect control of everything what is going on on your computer. There was at least one attept in the US-Senat to make a law. Anyone, who sells, have, use non TCPA-conform platforms, would be punished with 500k $ or 5 years of jail. This attempt failed. What will happen if TCPA has success ?


Primarily, nothing. But after implementation of TCP-hardware on the main processor you may not be able to swich this off. You may install one of e short list of operating system. Open Scource, the GPL, the free internet - everything will die, after some years, when most of computers are TCP platforms.


It was sold as something to keep kopyright related to programs, films and music. But the hardest technology cannot prevent users to copy music or films. In some states you may be illegal, when you tell people how to crack something. So far, you dont need to crack something. Easiest example music. If you have a CD, wich is really uncrackable, it even produces an analog signal, wich you put in your amplifier. You may imagine the worthy of any copy protection. The easiest to get the music is to just play the music and record it anyhow. Same with films.


The main goal seems to be, that they want a monopol of computer programs. Cos you are not root at your computer, and computer will work only when connected to the net, it opens door for espinonage and sabotage. Any anonymus user can have access to all data on the TCPA-conform computer, if he has the power to. This power may be given by a related company, a overnment, a secret service... and so on.

There is an interesting detail (http://www.heise.de/ct/02/24/186/bild1.jpg). It is english language. This contains the Intel TCP-definition, page 12 of _physical_presence_. You may find it interesting that anyone can see, if you are sitting at the computer -- online, without you know.


Even if the system is announced to can be swiched off, i will not trust in a kind of hardware wich may contain hidden routines to give root access to anonymous instances. IT IS DANGEROUS, you may imagine. And almost the people did't realize.


Don't trust them. Fight that thing.



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As someone else said, McCain is now charirman of that commitee. The bill will likely be DOA. Paladium-based systems will likely be shunned by consumers and only embraced by corporations where security is paramount (Gov't, financial services, etc). Most of them will take a look-see attitude and will only get the technology if it actually helps them do what they want to do. Even if Paladium does see the light of day, there is nothing preventing Linux from participating in the DRM movement. Additionally, we as Linux users will likely be able to turn this stuff on and off with a simple config file edit or GUI utility...

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Hi freaks,


@JaseP: You do not see the general problem, not at all ! That system is not usable, for no one who can think. TCP=NOT USEABLE FOR for banks, companys, private persons. Perhaps for avatars.


The security is a serious problem in this case. A system wich provides security only for tthe alliance, cannot provide security for a bank or so. Microsoft has general key. Konsortium has. Anyone else on a hidden list has. That is not save, cos the system is not open. That is the general problem. That TCP-systems are not oen, not transparent. Never use them. That is the big devide. You know ???


No transparence=no security.


Do not trust them. Never. It is the same like to have a nomber tatooed under the skin for money traffic. The Government will contro it all. Never, not in my life. That is my statement


so long and thanks for all the fish.


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A number of people here do not recognize the seriousness and the implications of TCPA/Palladium. Both Intel and AMD have committed to including the Fritz chip in the main processor. Please do read abou this. I have discussed it at length in the thread below and I suggest, humbly, that you give it a read.


You'll be glad you did.



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Listen, I'm not saying that the threat isn't potentially serious, but there has been a lot of active resistance to the implementation of this technology. Now that Congress has switched sides, it won't be as easy to have it mandated, and there are still economic forces to contend with...

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Do you know one of the laptop/notbook got already Fritz chips build in begin last year about bet. april & may.


Ciao MD-user

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