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Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//i810


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After installing 2010.0-KDE4 from the CD I rebooted but the computer failed to enter graphical X11 mode. Eventually I found the following message in Xorg.0.log:

"Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//i810_drv.so"


I solved the problem by changing the driver to "intel" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.


If I do another installation on a similar computer, can I avoid the problem by installing from the 'Free' version CD instead of 'One'?

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After installing 2010.0-KDE4 from the CD I rebooted but the computer failed to enter graphical X11 mode.


I solved the problem by changing the driver to "intel" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.



Well, that sounds interesting. I'm encountering similar problem with Inter video card 810, and even submitted a bug report:



I'll try your solution when I get home. Unfortunately I do not know if installing from Free can solve your problem, but my wild guess would be that it can't. I don't see a reason for the configuration files to be different, but I'm really not an expert. You should wait for more replies.

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I booted the 2010.0 KDE4 CD again in order to examine the xorg.conf settings. /etc/X11/xorg.conf shows Driver "intel", however there is another version of that file named xorg.conf.old which has the incorrect setting; Driver "i810". The time stamp on xorg.conf.old is about 26 seconds earlier than xorg.conf.

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Well, that sounds interesting. I'm encountering similar problem with Inter video card 810, and even submitted a bug report:



I'll try your solution when I get home.


Did you have any success using the intel driver? I hope someone can fix this bug in time for the next release. Apparently the live CD's hardware detection set the driver as i810 on the first try, then 26 seconds later changed to the correct 'intel' driver. Even though the live CD got it right, the incorrect i810 driver was used in the xorg.conf on the hard disk.


For anyone who does not know how to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf after X11 graphics fails to start; I used Alt-F1 (or Ctrl-Alt-F1) to get a console, logged in as root (no password required). My preferred editor nano was not present so I used vim to make the change. I rebooted from command console using 'shutdown -r now'.

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Did you have any success using the intel driver? I hope someone can fix this bug in time for the next release.


I urge you to to comment on the bug report on bugzilla. This may help persuading Mandriva/Intel that this problem influences many users, and help prioritize the work on it.

Edited by yossarian
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had some significant issues as well with the whole Intel graphics drivers. I just finally upgrade from 2008.0 to 2010.0. Under 2008.0 my Intel 945GM graphics worked well with no video issues. MPlayer, Xine, TVTime, etc. all worked properly. I was using the default "Intel" driver.


If I look at MCC, the displayer driver was listed as "Intel 810 or later". In my xorg.conf file, the driver was listed as "Intel". After my upgrade, nothing really worked. I had problems running MPlayer, no TV application worked, Xine would only work using X11 as the output. I decided to look into newer Intel drivers and was about to build them myself, but I decided to use the MCC and using the "XOrg" version picking "Intel". Reboot and everything now works properly.


It's a problem not knowing what drivers do what. I wasn't trying to do anything out of the ordinary. Just videos and TV. I shouldn't have to spend 4 to 5 hours of downloading, compiling, rebooting, etc. to get these basics to work. All I needed was XVideo support, and up until yesterday, I thought that this was a basic thing found in all drivers. I should be able to know clearly by the driver I'm using as to what it can do, ie. XVideo, 2D, 3D acceleration, XvMC, DGA, etc. We should not have to find a specific driver that supports these types of basic capabilities in order to play a simple video or DVD. I hate saying that things are better in Windoze, but at least those drivers contain all the capabilities which you can turn on or off in an associated application.


With the prevalence of Intel GMA in PCs, we shouldn't have to spend so much time getting something as simple as video working.

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