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Mandrake 9.0 and loading problems


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Has anyone noticed that there seems to be alot of people having trouble with getting 9.0 loaded, and some of it seems to be more than bad downloads and bad burns. Someone that Mandrakes talks to, are there some errata not yet announced that they are working on? Anything with Maxtor hard drives or udma? It just seems that both forums are having this issue come up alot.

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Upon further reasearch, it seems there are more people having to turn off dma -udma in order to load Mandrake. I can't understand why this is, but it seems to be working for some people.

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They will never admit to anything that they have done as opposed to other programs like cups. They haven't acknowledged a problem with supermount despite the fact that is thoroughly documented by the person who screwed it up on cooker and people there are switching to autofs. It will be intersting to see what happens now that the boxes are hitting the stores.



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You're right. If they won't acknowledge the supermount problem (which is real obvious), then admitting that udma/dma is messed up during install will never happen! Again, disappointed in Mandrake, but I am appreciative of the community.

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Guest HaloScan

Mandrake loads up fine for me (takes a bit of time to load but I don't reboot much ;-) ) on a Maxtor drive.


The only problem I've had is indeed the supermount problem with CDs. Supermount loads up the CD but after a minute or 2 (random times), doing a 'ls' will say a bunch of files on the CD are not found. Quite annoying. I usually copy all files from the CD to the harddrive before doing any type of program installation and such. To make it short: there definitely is a problem with Supermount (and from what I hear it's been around for the last couple versions).


I would love to know how to disable supermount completely and mount/umount the CD drive all manually as a normal user (right now it seems only root user can mount and umount the CD).

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Guest HaloScan

Well, that was easy. Thanks Counterspy.


Now could someone tell me how to set permissions so non-root (standard) users can mount and unmount the cd drive?

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I have two Maxtor drives, an old 4G and a new 20G. I have not personally had any problems either, but there are just too many of the same problem occuring for it to be general lunacy! It seems this round of Mandrake has a higher than normal install problem issue, and even higher than normal bad download/ bad burn issues. Just seems weird to me. I started playing with Mandrake at 7.0, and have used every new release and about half of the developmental betas since that time.


On the other hand, maybe more people are jumping on board and trying Linux.

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