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Mandriva 2010.0 Alpha 2 is now available


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I have the boot.iso file, burnt it to disk, booted from it, selected ftp install, 2010, set up networking, all hunky dory. The problem comes with the mirror selection. I have tried 4 different mirrors now from the included choices, and in every case I get a brief message saying "given file does not exist" then an installation screen for Mandriva 2009 Spring!

2010 repo's don't exist yet. You need to select cooker. This will give you the latest cooker, which will include packages updated since the Alpha2 iso's were created.



Edited by jkerr82508
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The boot.iso is no longer available from proxad.net. I'll try to get it from elsewhere later.

That's strange. I've just downloaded it, using the link in my earlier post. :)


The mirror may have been in the process of sync'ing when you tried. boot.iso was updated today.



Edited by jkerr82508
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2010 repo's don't exist yet. You need to select cooker. This will give you the latest cooker, which will include packages updated since the Alpha2 iso's were created.



When I select 2010.0 as the system to install it automatically sets the directory to Cooker, so that is not it. I still get the 'File not available' message then the install screen for 2009 spring. Out of interest I decided to proceed witht the install of 2009 spring and it failed as well. I got the message that the installer had suffered an 'X windows system error' 'BadMatch' and that it was probably a bug in the program.


Thanks for trying to help Jim but this is just not working for me. I will leave it for a week or so and see if it settles down, though I doubt whether the installer is going to fix itself!. It is not a big deal for me one way or the other.


Thanks anyway.

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