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Mandriva Triage Team needs your help


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So, I'm paying Mandriva for a product, and I see rubbish/non-existent support, and non-existent bug reporting, so I'll pay them more money? Where's the logic in that? A company that wants to improve should offer good customer support, etc, etc, etc. Don't show a good level of service, how do you expect people to return and want to pay more for the product? That's where Mandriva Expert failed because nobody wanted to pay for support that was non-existent or nobody bothered to reply to.


Spot on, rational purchasers expect value for money. Paying more for less is a public sector phenomenon, any activity resembling this in the private sector will inevitably be forced out by substitution or government intervention in the case of monopoly or cartel.

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I don't use Cooker, or Fedora, or OpenSuSE, but the bugsquashers teams in both OpenSuSE and Fedora are more consistent and systematic- that's for sure.

As for Ubuntu- there are no worries there. They just "borrow" the work of Sid maintainers.

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