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BIND configuration

Guest ianericovich

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Guest ianericovich



I installed BIND 9.4 using the RPM that comes in the power pack DVD, the installation was successfully but i cannot configure it, I found some documentation on Internet but they refers only to Ubuntu or Debian, thinking that configuration will be the same, i tried it but i saw that the paths are not the same by example I cannot find /var/named path or I cannot find named.local.conf file. Please i need a guide or something else to configure BIND9 using the paths in mandriva 2008. :wall:

Edited by ianericovich
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Hi ianericovich,


welcome to MUB! If you're really into setting up your own dns, you should have some experience. Do you know what a nameserver does? What do you want to achieve with your own one? If you already installed bind, you can find substantial info with "man named" and "man named.conf". You can start the server as every other with "service named start" and integrate it into startup with "chkconfig --add named", both as root, or by using graphical interface. You may edit "/etc/named.conf" to suit your needs. But beware - changing dns behaviour is no easy task and very rarely necessary if you want to stay compatible to the rest of internet. You should use additional or virtual hardware - not your standard workhorse.

Edited by scoonma
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You should, hopefully, be able to install a package called drakwizard. Once installed, you can then go into MCC (Configure Your Computer) and run the wizard for configuring the DNS server.

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