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Quicktime in Opera help needed (& other plugins!) SOLVED

chris z

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i just started trying out Opera7.11 browser. liking it so far, but...... i can't find a way to get Quicktime to work with it. tried installing OpenQuicktime from PLF but that doesn't do anything. all of the Quicktime plugins & such that i have are for Moz or Konq.


is there a way to get Quicktime working with Opera in Linux, & if so, what's the procedure?


i'll continue Googling for now. any help would be appreciated.



upon further review, i'm having a helluva time with other plugins. pdf format, for example. i can't get Opera to open pdf files. when i try to use the Acrobat plugin, it crashes Opera. same goes for any Moz plugins in Opera. they all cause them to crash. same goes for RealPlayer files. i can't find a way to get them working. i'll continue playing with settings & such, but if somebody could kick me in the right direction, i'd appreciate it.



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I've never installed Quicktime because plugger handles quicktime files. But I do install the other plugins and they work fine. Don't know if you've read this http://www.opera.com/linux/docs/plugins/ but those are the guidelines I use for installation. Hope this helps!

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Hi Chris,


I guess you have to edit the mime-types:

File - Preferences - File Types, then uncheck: Hide file types opened ..., then: add the Quicktime's. And how Opera should handle them. That's the way how it works with RealPlayer-Plugins.


[edit: Mysti was faster - and with a better solution! Didn't know that.]

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hi mystified & anna,

thanks for the info. since my first post, i have found the link that mystified provided. i also have been playing with file types/mime under the "preferences". so far i've managed to get pdf files working, but it's still a no go for other things. it doesn't appear that Opera is finding all my plugins. for instance, i have a path set for my RealPlayer plugins, Opera shows the path in it's "find" dialogue, but whenever i click on a RealPlayer file, i get the "what to do..........." box popping up. i then select "choose" & tell it to use the plugin to open it, but i just get a blank page. hmmmm..... :? i'll play some more, but if you could explain this mime thing a bit more or how to make application associations stick, i'd (again) appreciate it. i'm obviously missing something here. :shock:



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chris, when choosing the sort action Opera should do with this file/mime-type, choose:

- open with other application, then choose-button

(not the ' use plugin').

Opera will open QuickTime player as standalone then -

but is Mystified's way not simpler?

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just to update........


after my second post, i only had a bit of time to play with settings. i've figured out what i was doing wrong, as far as program associations not sticking. ummmm........ :oops: clicking "apply" before "ok" helps a lot :oops: . anywho, i won't get a chance to screw with things (or screw up things) until tomorrow, but i think i'm on the right track. again, thanks for the advice. i'll post again tomorrow with results. (possitive ones, i hope........)



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thanks again anna & mystified........


i finally got the hang of it, thanks to your help. i have RealPlayer & MPlayer handling various audio/video files. the pdf's are working with Acrobat. still gotta work on Quicktime files, but once i play with that Plugger download, i'm sure i'll get that squared away. next will be to upgrade to Texstar's KDE3.1.4 tonight. more fun ahead!



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