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Qtractor 0.4.0 rpm for Mandriva Linux 2008.1


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I have packaged up the brand new release of Qtractor 0.4.0 rpm for Mandriva Linux 2008.1.


Qtractor is a fairly young but very promising and already very useable Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework by Rui Nuno Capela.


It's available from my website at:




As always, feedback about this rpm is welcome!



[moved from Software by spinynorman]

Edited by tux99
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Works on 2009 too :)


Thanks for confirming that, I guess the dynamic libraries used by Qtractor are not that different in 2009.0 versus 2008.1 (no incompatible differences).

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Guest xaccrocheur

Hey is that me, or did jack-control totally disappeared from Mandriva since the 2009.0 ? I'm currently using 2009.1 spring, just fresh out, and, I can't seem to find any GUI to lauch Jack !


The thing is, Qtractor is yelling at me at startup, and says that it won't work until jack is properly started :(


Any ideas ? I think I need some more help to get qtractor (0.4.0 on Mandriva 2009.1) to work... And please please excuse my bad english

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