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Power Down ...

Guest urbanotter

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Guest urbanotter



I just installed Mandrake 9.0 on my machine (Dell Celeron 433/64 MB ram) and can't get it to power down. It worked very nicely with 8.2. I'd tell it to shutdown and it would and even turn the machine off for me. However, with 9.0 I tell it to shut down and it goes through the motions, even tells me that it says "Power Down" and clicks like it is going to turn it off but it doesn't. Even worse, it won't let me turn it off at the switch! If I unplug it and then plug it back it it reboots!!!


The hardware is fine as it works in windoze and 8.2. Just to see if it would work, I installed Libranet 2.0. It did the same thing where it said "Power Down", but didn't turn it off. However, it did let me turn it off at the switch.


Has anyone else encountered this? What's a relative newbie (a few months) to do? Thanks for your help.

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I've had that happen to me twice. It reaches a certain point in shutting down and then freezes and I have to turn off the surge protector. It never happened with 8.1 or 8.2, only since I installed MDK 9.0. I don't know what to tell you because I haven't been able to figure out what's happening with mine either.

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Mystified, I think your problem is different from urbanotter's problem. I notice that I have the same symptoms you do [Mystified]. It will go through the shutdown process and then hang. It seems that it is trying to unmount the NFS stuff twice and on the second try it complains that RPC is not registered (whatever that is) and then stops at that point. Using the Sysrq key sequence it informs me that there are no more tasks at this runlevel so I can unmount the filesystem and reboot.


Urbanotter, I think your problem probably has to do with APM somehow since you get all the way to the end where it tells you to shut down the machine. I'm not terribly familiar with this but you might try a search for it.



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urbanotter, I had the same problem, except I could push the power (on/off) button and it would turn off. The problem for me was acpi being disabled in the 2.4.19-16mdk default kernel. I compile my kernel anyway so it was no big deal, but I have to

say Y to enable apm (only because gkrellm says it can't find apm and it's anoying)

say N to all apm options

say Y to enable acpi

say Y to acpi options I wanted


I don't know what mdk was thinking. Do they think everyone's using laptops? If you enable both and options, most likely apm will be used since it's found first. The kernel will use whichever it finds first.

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You have to compile the kernel. It's not really hard, just do the reading on it, and change only the apm and acpi options and you should be fine. Where people get into trouble is when they start taking a lot out of the kernel. There's a lot of HOWTO's/docs available. The main suggestion I have for an mdk kernel is to

make mrproper

b4 you make xconfig or make menuconfig, and if you're going to use the default 2.4.19-16.mdk kernel, be sure to change the top Makefile version.









EXTRAVERSION = -16mdk or what ever

to something for you. I just took off mdk



This will enable you to keep your default config.

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i compiled the kernel doing:


say Y to enable apm (only because gkrellm says it can't find apm and it's anoying)

say N to all apm options

say Y to enable acpi

say Y to acpi options I wanted


but my computer still doesn't power off automatically. on top of that i don't have a graphical boot anymore. i didn't change any kernel options except those regarding apm and acpi, what am i doing wrong?

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I don't know if this helps or not, but neither 8.2 or 9.0 shut down completely but the screen goes black and the power switch works. In Windows, it shuts down as it should. You might test that if you have windows. Since I run 24/7, the problem is only occasional. I have both APM and ACPI turned off.



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My system is a custom built pc. It has powered off completely and automatically since 8.0. At work, I have 2 out of 12 win98 machines that have the power down problem, still not working with the official ms patch installed. MS blames antivirus software.

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what am i doing wrong?
Could be any number of the options. There's a lot of diff config for diff machines. What acpi options did you say Y to? Maybe your sys needs some of the apm options. I don't know. Try to google on the subject.


Also, cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/defconfig /usr/src/linux/.config, then make mrproper and so on.

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What acpi options did you say Y to?


i enabled acpi bus manager, system, processor, and button. the only apm option i selected was rtc stores time in gmt. if i have to enable any other kernel options (besides something in apm or acpi) what should i look out for?


also, my system shut down with no problem in windows 2000 and mdk 8.2


anyways, i'll read up on it somemore and compile again and see what happens

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ok, so i recompiled my kernel keeping all the same acpi options from before, but this time i completely disabled apm. now my computer shuts down automatically, and everything else seems to be working fine. however, there is one minor problem with my new kernel. i've lost my graphical boot. lilo is fine, that's still graphical. its the screen after that, where you see messages of services, etc loading. that screen no longer has that nice graphical background. does anyone know how to get this back?


oh yeah, one more thing. how do i remove the non-working kernel from my system? it never occurred to me to overwrite it, so i named the latest kernel something else. besides removing the entry in lilo.conf and deleting the relevant files from /boot, what else do i need to do?

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I seen post from one or two users saying they lost the graphical boot also. I don't recall the thread and I didn't follow them, so I don't know If they figured it out.


Glad to here you can shut down now though!


how do i remove the non-working kernel from my system?......besides removing the entry in lilo.conf and deleting the relevant files from /boot, what else do i need to do?
delete the /lib/modules/x.x.x-? (whatever you named it). You could leave them....they won't do good or harm.
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Guest urbanotter

Thanks bvc and beesea,


I haven't had a chance to recompile the kernel yet (been too busy, and I figured out that if I hold the power button for about 5 seconds that it will turn off -- anoying but it works for the short term).


I'll go through the kernal guided by your posts. Wish me luck!!





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