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Wireless doesn't work on Thinkpad X61 Tablet


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Hi I just installed the newest Mandriva on my Lenovo X61 Thinkpad Tablet. Problem is I cant see any networks from my wireless card. It gets the driver installed by default and it even seems like the driver is installed properly, but when I search for networks I see none.


Any advice?




Edited by hanes
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What wireless card do you have? Try:


ifconfig -a


to see what interfaces are there, possibly wlan0 for wireless. Then:


iwlist wlan0 scan


from the prompt and see if it reports back any wireless access points.

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ifconfig -a


This command returns some info from 5 interfaces, eth0,lo,panu, wlan0 and wmaster0. But it doesnt tell me the cards name/type.



In my "Network Center" it lists the card as Intel Corp Pro/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Gard



iwlist wlan0 scan


This command returns


wlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down

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Try /usr/bin/lspci (or as root simply lspci) to get your wireless card name/type. If it's connected to the pcmcia slot do /sbin/lspcmcia or just lspcmcia as root.


That command gives me the same name as the GUI does - Intel Corp Pro/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network card.



Does this get us any closer to finding out why I cant find any networks?



Thanks for your help!

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