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Grip in Mandriva doesn't do ID3v2 tags [solved]


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well, a conditional was added to the spec for it in 2003, disabled by default. I'm not quite sure why. I could ask Goetz if he remembers, but it's unlikely. =) possibly id3lib wasn't a dependency he wanted to introduce at the time. I can probably turn it on for Cooker, but it's in /main so it'd be kind of a pain to ship an update for it.

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Call me interested as well -- just spend the better part of a Sunday wrestling with Soundjuicer and gstreamer-0.10/libgstlame.so to realise that (1) tweaking the mp3-encoding options still is rather painfull, (2) grip is ~11% faster on same hardware and (30 that I couldn't get the equivalent of "lame -V2". Thus defaulted back to GRIP, but hadn't realised that it was only generating ID3v1 tags..

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It kind of surprised me when I realized Grip wasn't doing v2 tags. I have been using it for several years (ripped my whole CD collection with it) and then going in with easytag to clean up tags. Easytag was automatically converting them to v2 for me.


I only noticed because a certain windows jukebox program was choking on the lack of v2 tags on a CD I had recently ripped and not yet edited.


Getting it fixed up in a future release would be fine.



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I've just built a grip-3.3.1-9mdvg2009.0.i586.rpm with the id3v2 tag support enabled. It's built from the devel/SRPMS repo. If anyone would like to try it let me know, and I'll attach it to a pm for you.


This is just until it's officially available. :)

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I've just built a grip-3.3.1-9mdvg2009.0.i586.rpm with the id3v2 tag support enabled. It's built from the devel/SRPMS repo. If anyone would like to try it let me know, and I'll attach it to a pm for you.


This is just until it's officially available. :)


Cool. PM me. I will try it out. :D


Edit: Got it. Looked good in the little time I had to check it out. Thank you, Greg.

Edited by angst
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Looked good in the little time I had to check it out. Thank you, Greg.

You're welcome. I just do this to practice my packaging skills. :)


When you've had more time to check it, and if you are satisfied with it... please post back and maybe Adam will get it pushed into backports for other users.

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Your Grip package seems fine. Installs, runs, removes, and reinstalls ok. And it writes ID3V2 tags as it should.


I don't know if there is anything else I should for. Some kind of RPM or Error log maybe?


Thank you for your time and effort.



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On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Adam Williamson
<awilliamson@mandriva.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 20:11 +0100, Götz Waschk wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Adam Williamson <devel@mandriva.com> wrote:
>> > Adam Williamson <awilliamson@mandriva.com> 1:3.3.1-10mdv2009.1:
>> > - enable id3lib support, there's really no reason not to that I can see
from [url="http://lists.mandriva.com/cooker/2009-01/msg00263.php"]http://lists.mandriva.com/cooker/2009-01/msg00263.php[/url]

>> I have disabled it on purpose. With the lame patch the tags are
>> created by lame itself. Lame writes id3v4 while id3lib only supports
>> id3v3. So the id3lib dep is unnessessary.
> ah, I was going to ask but figured you wouldn't remember. :)
> However, it was a user request:
> https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?showtopic=77344&hl=

The user thinks it only add id3v1, this is caused by lame, see lame's help page:

Note: A version 2 tag will NOT be added unless one of the input fields
won't fit in a version 1 tag (e.g. the title string is longer than 30
characters), or the '--add-id3v2' or '--id3v2-only' options are used,
or output is redirected to stdout.

You could add --add-id3v2 to the lame command line in the patch, that
would help.

Regards, Götz


Where Götz writes 'lame writes id3v4 while id3lib only supports id3v3', are id3v3 and id3v4 synonymous with id3v2.3 and id3v2.4?


I guess the gist of the above is if you want want the repo version of grip to write id3v2 tags you need to go in Grip to the Config/Encoder/Encoder tab and in the 'Encoder command line' text box add the appropriate id3v2 option to tell lame what or what not to write. If you tell it to write a idv2 tag it will be id3v2.4.


If you use Gregs Grip rpm then Grip (using id3lib) will write an id3v2.3 tag.


Clear as mud. :D


Thank you all for going to all the trouble to make inquiries and/or compile and suggest other software.



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The way I would summarise it is as follows:

  • The grip in main does by default only generate ID3v1 tags (Lame's behaviour is to only generate ID3v2 tags when needed). Nothing on the menu's suggest that you can force ID3v2 tags as the checkbox for ID3v2 will not appear in this build. You have to know the lame option for --add-id3v2. I do not know whether this creates .4 or .3 ID3v2 tags.
  • Greg's build exposes that you can have id3v2 tags just as well, albeit apparently only id3v2.3 and not the full id3v2.4. I am no expert on this, but the differences seem to be minor (a browse at wikipedia suggests that v4 allows the use of '/' whereas v3 does not).
  • And for those who like simplicity there is Soundjuicer. That is simplicity, unless you want to create MP3's. The gstreamer framework may be well designed, but is somewhat at variance with Gnome's 'just works' philosophy. Furthermore, libgstlame (which defines the encoding step) only exposes part of the LAME options and does not include ways to set the -V n options (which is rather ironic as this is much simpler than manually selecting vbr-type, quality, stereo-mode etc).

You choose your poison...

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