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Putting a 'Korset' on the spread of viruses


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Anti-virus companies play a losing game. Casting their nets wide, they catch common, malicious viruses and worms (known to the industry as “malwareâ€), but it may take days before their software updates can prepare your computer for the next attack. By then it could be too late. And some insidious programs prove immune to anti-virus software, residing inside your computer for months or even years, collecting personal information and business secrets.


But Prof. Avishai Wool and his graduate student Ohad Ben-Cohen of Tel Aviv University’s Faculty of Engineering are taking a different approach. They recently unveiled a unique new program called the “Korset†to stop malware on Linux, the operating system used by the majority of web and email servers worldwide. Prof. Wool’s technology puts a new spin on Internet security, and once it reaches its full potential it could put anti-virus software companies out of business. The research was presented at the Black Hat Internet security conference in Las Vegas this summer.


More at www.sciencedaily.com.


The paper presented to the symposium is here (pdf). Warning: for geeks only!

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An interesting read that Spinynorman thank you for posting it. Let's hope it can really make a difference if adopted. What we really need is some way of stopping these botnets that spew spam out daily. Upto a few weeks ago I got very little spam in my inbox, but I must have registered somewhere using my primary email address, I now get about 150 a day.

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I've not seen any malware on Linux :unsure:


Don't think it's that easy to get infected as such. Well, only if someone hacked you and installed a rootkit or something. Unless I'm mistaken.....

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I'm just wondering, if for example, you're running a web server, and so they are attacking that - then what this is attempting to do then is shut down that program. Therefore, your website goes down!

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