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2009 RC1 + KDE 3.5.10


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ok i installed 2009 rc1


kde 4.1 installs by default and i dont have an issue with that except that my hand held uses wm2003 which wont work w/ kde4


so i was told to install 3.1.10 and then work from there, again i'm good with that, so i went to MCC installed about 378 kde3.5.10 packages , including the task. and yet when i go to login, its not available from the drop down.


unless i have to i dont necessari;y need to ditch kde4 but i do need to know what i missed in reference to installing 3.5


is there a how to or something out there?







[moved from Installing Mandriva by spinynorman]

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If I remember correctly, you'd have to remove all the KDE 4.x packages before you install and use the KDE 3.5x packages.


That may be the case on some distros, but on Mandriva it is certainly the intention that you should be able to install and run both KDE3 and KDE4 on a single system. (I'm dong just that on my cooker installation.)


I've no idea why the OP is not seeing a KDE3 entry in the Sessions menu, if task-kde3 is installed. I do have one.



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I did a clean network install of cooker on the day that RC1 was released (which would mean that it was slightly more recent than RC1). I selected KDE4 and Gnome. After installation, I installed task-kde3.


If you have kdebase-kdm installed, I'd recommend un-installing it and installing kdm instead. It may be that the KDE3 log-in manager (kdebase-kdm) is still unreliable. For me, the KDE4 login manager (kdm) is now reliable, as is the Gnome login manager (gdm). Only one of these packages should be required in order to run any of the available graphical systems.



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thanks, I'll try again tonote.


lastnight I figured I'd install gnome (yuk) and then try and add KDE.


unfortunately on a 40GB hd I allwed default partitions which gave me a 4GB \ and that overflowed.


so i have to do a clean install again anyway.


I'll try your method.





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In Mandriva RC1 lacking packet in KDE 4.1.1 are replaced packets from KDE 3.5.10 and this she happened once better once bad, as login manager proposes KDM ....Lex

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If you get it sorted do let me know if you can get sync up and running - so far I haven't had any external testing of the WM2003 sync stuff, only my own testing.


BTW, you can (or should be able to, I didn't test it yet either...) browse the device via Konqueror (KIO) in KDE 4 - the kde4-kio-rapip package does that. But you can't synchronize with KDE 4 Kmail etc. The problem is that neither opensync nor KDE folks have got around to writing an opensync KDE 4 plugin yet, so there's nothing I can do to make it work :(

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well good news.


I was able to add KDE 3.5.10.


as JK suggested KDM was not loaded.


INteresting though, I couldnt get it via MCC software install.


Going to terminal SU and urpmi kdm however worked just fine.


One thing to watch for (and again this is probably my naivete)


when I rebooted I still wasnt 100% convinced that I was in 3.5.10, the 4.1 theme is still installed as default.


however after I noticed the widget dock was gone and the menus were once again sensible that i decided I was ok.


now comes the big SYNC experiment (cross your fingers)


after this I'm going to see what I can do about the lodak AIO 5500


Theres no offical support from kodak, but it seems to me as though a few "seperate" ideas might combine to make it work.


one of these days (about MDV2010) i'm going to get back to working onm the "Roll your own" project!


I had 2 weeks at home post surgery and REALLY wanted to devote that to roll your own.


unfortunately my 2 year old had OTHER ideas of what dad should be doing during his recuperation!



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