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Remote file opening problem [solved]


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Hello all,


i've got some kind of a strange problem. Here goes.


I've got Mandriva 2008.1 installed at the office - i'm trying to demonstrate usability of linux at work.


Now, whenever i connect to the company's windows server, i can see every file and browse the server's data. I can open pdf file or jpg files that are on the server but i cannot open xls or doc files (all files that should be opened with Ooo).


If i copy those files on my desktop i can open them - so it's not a simple "local" Ooo config problem...


Any ideas !?





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Thanks Tyme,


using Abiword to open the file was a good idea, but it did not work.


One thing i forgot to mention is that i can open all word or excel files on the server from within OOo.


The other thing that could lead to some answer is that the error message that i get from the system is that there is nothing to open that type of file (.doc or .xls) - and that's an "smb" error message.



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That sounds more like it's an issue with konqueror or nautilus depending on if you're using gnome or kde. Looks like they don't know to associate doc or xls with openoffice or whatever. Normally, you should be able to right click the file and choose open with and then select openoffice writer and see if that helps.


Then if that works, you can set openoffice writer as the default for opening these files later.

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Thanks ianw1974... i'm 1973 ;-)


That link from Nautilus to .xls and .doc is allready there.


And has i mentionned, if i put (copy) the same file (the ones that won't open from the server) on my desktop OOo will open them without any problem.


Told'you it was a tricky problem...



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Definitely a weird one. I'd have to say, that it must be something between nautilus and smb then, since you can run openoffice and then within openoffice, open the files without a problem. Doing a google showed up this problem in other places as well, including Ubuntu.


If you edited /etc/fstab and had the smb share mount to a directory on your system, it would work fine.




the last post here is interesting:



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Mounting the drive also came to my mind...


I tried it through Mandriva control center, i see the network and the drives acces the drives and get to the point where the mounting is actually done but i would alway end up with an error.


The message actually said nothing usefull : An error has occured, disk could not be mounted.


Which type of error - no idea.


I'll try to get more info on mouting those drives - maybe manualy and i'll get back to you if i end's up working.


Thanks Ian - BTW any thoughts on the mouting problem?



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Maybe you do not have permission to open those files from the server.


If he launches OpenOffice first, and then opens the file from the server from within OpenOffice, it works fine. It just won't launch with a double-click directly from nautilus. So he has to open it via OpenOffice with File, Open.

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he should be able to open it if the remote drive has been mounted. I have similar problem when accesing same file using smb:// at konqueror but I managed to mount those remote shared folder so it will appear as local drive, and OoO does not have a problem on it.


Try to find out on autofs, so the drive will be mounted only when needed.

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Nautilus can be unnerving. Maybe you have the same problem I had:


where Nautilus thinks you would be in danger by opening this file…


I use ROX now. All files open as I expect them to.



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Problem solved !


It does work if the win drive is mounted.


So far i've mounted the drive manually with : mount -t cifs //server/data /home/jp/data -o user=jp,pass=mypass...


Now i guess i just have to add that to the fstab and everything sould work out fine.


Thanks to all.





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For your information, this is the setup I currently have for autofs:



/home/yves/.mnt/ncp /etc/autofs/auto.ncpfs
/home/yves/.mnt/smb /etc/autofs/auto.smbfs


place1	  -fstype=cifs,username=REMOTEUSER1,password=REMOTEPASSWD1,uid=LOCAL_UID,gid=LOCAL_
GID,noperm,noacl,iocharset=utf8  ://REMOTE.SERVER1/REMOTE_SHARE_NAME1
place2	-fstype=cifs,username=REMOTEUSER2,password=REMOTEPASSWD2,uid=LOCAL_UID,gid=LOCAL_
GID,noperm,noacl,iocharset=utf8  ://REMOTE.SERVER2/REMOTE_SHARE_NAME2

Then I create a ~/W directory where I create my "drives", for example:

~/W/U -> ../.mnt/smb/place1

~/W/T -> ../.mnt/smb/place1/WIN

and so on…



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Well, it seams that it won't be so easy after all... fstab won't mount the server's drive.


Obviously the string generated by Mandriva Control Center didn't work. Here's the code :

# Entry for /dev/hda2 :

UUID=1151304d-0810-4b44-8059-fe9f6ddd14aa / ext3 defaults 1 1

//serveur0/data /home/jp/data smbfs credentials=/etc/samba/auth.serveur0.jp 0 0


I've had a look at the auth.server0.jp file, user, pass and domain are correct...

And yes, i've replaced smbfs with cifs on all tries.


I've also tried Ian's code, the logical extention to my mount command :

//server0/data /home/jp/data cifs user=jp,pass=mypass 0 0


...but it didn't work.


Yves, your solution seams a bit complex as it sould work from fstab...


So i don't get it, any thoughts?


Thanks to all!



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