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software management mirror & flash error [solved]


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Also posted in mandriva forum


1st Problem --- When the software management programs starts up I get a window stating


Fatal error could not find mirror in $mirrorlist


after clicking ok on about 15 of this boxes a mirror is finally accessed.


How do I get rid of these bogus mirrors?


2nd Problem, --- I've down loaded flash 9 something. and when I run it's rpm installer

I get window saying it could not find the mirror in the $mirrorlist.

I click on ok, and it ends the program.


How do I install flash





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go to the adobe website


and download the tar.gz file


extract libflashplayer.so and copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugins


This assumes you are using firefox as your browser.

For those who try to install Flash this way: there is an rpm package of Flash. Just install it and it works under Mandriva.

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