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Switching desktop with a script

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I still have a snag, I'm afraid, Steve. The "while" line produces in the following error-message:

line 14: [: -eq: unary operator expected

The "(wmctrl -l | grep gnumeric)" part works OK in a konsole, so there seems to be a syntax-problem elsewhere. I've tried a few changes to the line (using '(' instead of '[', for example) but I'm absolutely useless at de-bugging bash-syntax, so I'll have to ask you to look at it for me, please.


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Well, how about this , Steve? I noticed that the "(wmctrl -l | grep gnumeric)" command didn't work completely correctly in a konsole, so instead of

gnumeric filename1 &
while [ $(wmctrl -l | grep gnumeric) -eq '' ]

I tried

gnumeric filename1 &
while [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep Gnumeric)"  = "" ]
sleep 2

and now it works.

Bash didn't like 'sleep' without an argument, so that was easy; also, strangely enough, gnumeric is actually called Gnumeric (with a capital G; you have to use the exact name in the title-bar), which is why the 'while' line jammed up. I'm not sure if I've really solved the syntax-prob, or if it's just sheer coincidence, but I don't much care. Until the next time, that is B) . What's your opinion?

Edited by satelliteuser083
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Possibly...it could be your use of double quotes instead of single quotes, using the = instead of -eq, etc.


Sorry, I forgot to look yesterday. Not sure you need the "" around the "$(wmctrl...". I think the case problem and the = sign did the trick...you might, though. What we really should do is grep -i gnumeric which makes the grep case-insensitive, in case they change it. Then I think you're good. Let me know if you do need the "" around "$(wmctrl..." and let me know if you need double instead of single quotes and all that. I guess my bash is rusty.

Edited by Steve Scrimpshire
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Yes, Steve, the -i with grep is the answer to the name problem. B) And, I assume that the "s are necessary, because the script failed without them.

Anyway, here is my finished script; hope it helps someone out there (please excuse the comments if they are too obvious, but they won't be to me in, say, 6 months :unsure: )

# the following 4 variables are necessary because:
# unfortunately dcop Desktop-Nrs go from 1 to n for Desktops 1 to n, whereas
# wmctrl uses values 0 to n-1 for Desktops 1 to n; therefore, to get the correct
# value (for wmctrl) it is necessary to use a value exactly 1 LESS than that 
# used by dcop
wmctrl_gnu_WS=" 4 "
wmctrl_kpdf_WS=" 5 "
# First, check if either of the two programs is already running IN THE INTENDED WS; if
# either is, this script will fail, so it simply terminates immediately.
# So, for example, test (using 'wmctrl -l') whether or not gnumeric is running IN WS 5;
# if it is, set the error-flag
if [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep -i gnumeric)"  != "" ] &&
  [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep -i $wmctrl_gnu_WS)"  != "" ]; then
 echo "error, gnumeric already running in WS $dcop_gnu_WS, please remove gnumeric from that WS" &&
if [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep -i kpdf)"  != "" ] &&
  [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep -i $wmctrl_kpdf_WS)"  != "" ]; then
 echo "error, kpdf already running in WS $dcop_kpdf_WS, please remove kpdf from that WS" &&
#echo "error_flag="$error_flag
if [ "$error_flag" = "1" ]; then
# either gnumeric or kpdf is running (or both), error; terminate.
echo "terminating... goodbye :(";
# run the following commands (i.e. start gnumeric and kpdf), using '(' bla bla bla ...')'
# start with '(' on a new line, finish with ');', also on its own new line.
curws=$(dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop)
dcop kwin KWinInterface setCurrentDesktop $dcop_kpdf_WS
# start kpdf as a background-task (the terminating '&'), then wait until it is ready
# to accept input
kpdf output.pdf &
while [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep -i kpdf)"  = "" ]
sleep 2
echo "kpdf started in ws"$(dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop)
echo "kpdf started, starting gnumeric..."
dcop kwin KWinInterface setCurrentDesktop $dcop_gnu_WS
echo "starting gnumeric..."
# start gnumeric as a background-task (the terminating '&'), then wait until it is ready
# to accept input
gnumericfilename1.xls 2>/dev/null &
while [ "$(wmctrl -l | grep -i gnumeric)"  = "" ]
sleep 2
echo "gnumeric started in ws"$(dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop)
echo "gnumeric started, returning to original desktop..."
dcop kwin KWinInterface setCurrentDesktop $curws


Many thanks :thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by satelliteuser083
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