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Kmail and Spelling Bug?


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I've upgraded to texstar's KDE 3.1.2 (as of Saturday), and have since encountered this bug in Kmail:


If I check spelling, and everything is correct, the spelling window shows, but all the controls are disabled. I have to close the window with the window manager. If there are errors, they are corrected, but when it's finished, all the controls become disabled. I close the window, but all the changes are reversed!


Does anyone else have this problem? Do the newest RPMs fix the bug (it would take a while to download, lol)? I filed a bug report at bugs.kde.org http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59229.




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spellcheck... do people actually use this feature? :wink:


seriously, I don't know what the problem could be, but I thought I would mention I think another rpm might be involved here and maybe a link was broken in the upgrade (is it aspell or something?).

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It worked for me with the old 3.1.1 RPMs... I'm just hoping to determine if it's a bug with texstar's rpms, aspell, or kmail itself.




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OK, just tried it here...


I typed in one sentence ran it and it worked... correcting one mispelled word. Typed in a second sentence and the spellchecker just quickly flashed on and off the screen without doing anything.


I am running version 3.1-31 mdk of kdenetwork with MDK 9.1


Could be a work in progress yet, but time to look for a MDK update for this anyway.

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