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Sharing internet


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i have found site that i thought it can help me to share internet

i followed the instruction but nothing happen



my configuration is


i have 2 lan card


eth0 - for ISP provider

eth1 - for my sharing internet which is i put



since i followed the instruction but nothing happen even i manually input it the ip...

so i decided to reformat my HDD to follow again the instruction maybe i miss something...:(



please anyone can help me...

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You need to loose the windoze way of fixing problems. "reformatting and reinstalling".


With so little information provided it is difficult to help. If you followed a procedure that did not work, at least post a link to the information. Then we will have some idea what you did, or did not do.

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More info would help us to help you. :)


Normally this is really easy, you go to mcc (Mandriva control center) > Network and Internet > Share the internet connection with other local machines > then set it up.

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