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An useful guide for newbies installing Mandrake 9.1


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Guest mandrake_wilson

Thanks for posting the link to my new web page!


---- Following Email originally posted on alt.os.linux.mandrake -----





The Complete Step-by-Step Guide to LINUX Mandrake 9.1


Part I - Introduction

Part II - Mandrake Installation

Part III - Linux Shell and Apps

Part IV - Software Packages


New web site up on how to set up mandrake 9.1 to ease the configuration pains of the new linux user. Written and catered for the moderate computer user.


Part IV is especially relevant if you have encountered a problem in your Adobe Acrobat, Mesa, gaim, mplayer, samba, swat, timidity, mozplugger, flash, nano, pico, real player, open office, sun java, snes emulator, wine, wineX and crossover office. Tips for running games under wineX are included.


It covers how to get and install mandrake, and then add in most of the

needed applications.

This installation guide also covers

1) Most of the major software included in the distribution

2) Other applications freely availble

3) Newbie Command Line Tutorial

4) How to handle some common, annoying bugs perculiar to each application.


This HOWTO was written based on a ground up installation, and should cover most of the common problems encountered.


Let me know if you have any comments.

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Guest mandrake_wilson

I would be interested in helping out, but I'm not really an advanced user. My writing style might more reflect that of someone trying out the distros from the ground up.


But definitely! I would like to be able to put some input.

I hope more people out there give this distro a try!

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Is it ok if i borrow/steel your tutorial for installing mandrake, I got to teach a load of kids how to install a OS ( i think the school thinks there getting a windows lesson) :evil: but i have other plans

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Guest mandrake_wilson

No problem, education for the kids!

Way to go, start with them when they are young!

I just want to help other linux users out there, so as long as the info actually helps, that'd be great!

Didn't think my tutorial would be able to help kids that much though :D


Good Luck

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Guest mandrake_wilson

Other Parts of this Mandrake Linux 9.1 HOWTO


Part II - Mandrake Installation

  • 1. Getting Mandrake 9.1

2. Installing Mandrake 9.1

3. Going through the install sequence

4. Using Mandrake

5. Nice things to add easily

6. Configuration with Mandrake Control Center

7. Configuration with Gnome Control Center

8. Important Configuration of Menus and MIME Types

9. More Advanced Configuration


Part III - Linux Shell and Apps

  • 1. Navigating around terminal

2. Shells -- bash, csh, rsh, sh

3. Environments and Paths

4. File Permissions

5. Editing files

6. Linking

7. Finding Files

8. Using grep

9. Basic bash scripts knowledge

10. Running Remote X applications

11. Mounting Remote File Systems

12. Language setup for man pages

13. Handling Print Jobs


Part IV - Software Packages

  • 1. What are packages?

2. Specifying Sources For Online Downloading

3. Packages to be installed from Mandrake CDs

Mesa, mplayer, Timidity, pan, gaim, mozplugger

4. Packages to install from Texstar

Macromedia Flash, nano, Real Player

5. Other essential packages

Open Office, Sun Java, Adobe Acrobat 5, BitTorrent

6. Setting up SMB share for Windows

7. Using vncserver for remote desktop applications

8. File Sharing - p2p networks

Limewire, edonkey, lmule

9. Running M$ Office under Linux.

10. Games



Part V - Advanced FAQ

  • 1. How do I get DRI 3D acceleration to work?

2. Windows Media Player and Quicktime Plugins HOWTO

3. X Windows xmatrix screensaver

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Guest mandrake_wilson

I finally understood what you meant by changing the link. I was wondering what you meant, when I finally spotted my reference to mandrakeusers.com on my web site. Thanks for the correction. I've added the Forum web site to the links on the front page.


Anyway, updates to Part V of my user guide.


Part V - Advanced FAQ

1. How do I get DRI 3D acceleration to work?

2. Mandrake Fonts Deuglification

3. Email Clients and Web Browsers (Handling mailto: and http:)

4. Full Browser Plugins Configuration (Quicktime, Java, Flash, Mplayer)

5. X Windows xmatrix screensaver

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