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Quake II fails to start


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Hi there,


I have downloaded all files of Quake II I could find using Control Centre. When I click on buttons in "Application" section it seems to get starting, I can see on the bottom line "Starting Quake" message, but in a few seconds it just disappears with no errors or anything else.


Any help, guys?

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You do realize that you need some files off the CD? You need the pak0.pak file, players and video directories from the \Install\Data\baseq2 directory on the CD, and you need to place them in your Quake2\baseq2 directory.

Edited by esulcer
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I posted this same problem, in another forum here. Yep, it would be nice if mandriva has something in their software repositories if they said something in the Comments section like "you need so-and-so file from the original game CD for this to work" . Instead of people thinking, "hey Quake II, great...!"

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Yep, it would be nice if mandriva has something in their software repositories if they said something in the Comments section like "you need so-and-so file from the original game CD for this to work"

From the quake2 comments:

-- You need PAK files for Quake II to run this game --


Install the PAK files in /usr/share/games/quake2.

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the reason is, while the quake II engine is open-sourced the game content is still under intellectual property rights, therefore distributors can NOT include any of these files, they can offer the engine, but you need the game-content files for the game to run (this is not only the case with mandriva and not only with quake II). Hey after all there are enough good free shooters out there: openarena (free Quake III Arena, mandriva ships the actual version), tremulous, nexiuz and sauerbraten, just to name a few.

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