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Mandriva 2008: Font looks bad on Opera (solved)


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I installed Mandriva 2008 couple of hours back and I'm impressed. One thing I did notice is that certain text on some webpages that look perfectly good on Firefox looks bad on Opera. Please see the screen capture below. Does anyone know how to fix this?


On Firefox:



On Opera:



Any help??


PS: By the way, I have already downloaded and installed msttcorefonts-bootstrap-0.1-4brs.noarch.rpm. It didn't help.







[moved from Software by spinynorman]

Edited by kurt_ram
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Close opera. Open the following file with a texteditor:




(Note that the .opera directory is a hidden dir, with a dot)


And add this line:


Enable Core X Fonts=0


in the section [user Prefs]


edit: ffi was faster :-)

Edited by chris:b
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I had the same problem with illegible fonts only in "code" tag and only in Opera. Some suggested me to install msfonts but I prefer Liberation. Knew this was some kind of Opera issue.


What's all about with disabling "core x fonts"? I'm just curious :rolleyes:


P.S. It did the trick of course ;)

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