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mcnlive.loop on ext3


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3. Download the iso and burn it on a CD ...

The new CD has 2 new menu entreis on the first screen: Boot from PCMCIA and Boot from PCMCIA with persist.

If your CF card is ok, please boot from the CD, but don't use these new menu entries. Just boot the default!! But have the CF card inserted before you boot.

After you booted sucessfully, run: mount

Are the partitions mounted?


I downloaded the iso, burned the CD, booted from it, perfect.

Thank you very much for this customised version! The SF image is wonderful. :P


Unfortunately, having the CF inserted before the boot, I cannot see the partitions, even in devices....


If I extract and insert again the CF in the PCMCIA slot, now I can see the 2 partitions in devices, but still I see there that these are unmounted, and I cannot see them by typing mount.

If I click on the partitions icons within devices, finally are mounted, and typing mount I get:


/dev/hde2 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,sync,uhelper=hal,data=ordered)

/dev/hde1 on /media/disk-1 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,uhelper=hal,flush,uid=500,utf8,shortname=lower)


Looks like it´s harder then I thought, sorry


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The CF card looks perfectly now!


OK you were faster -- .

Next step:

3. Download the iso and burn it on a CD ...

The new CD has 2 new menu entries on the first screen: Boot from PCMCIA and Boot from PCMCIA with persist.

If your CF card is ok, please boot from the CD, but don't use these new menu entries. Just boot the default!! But have the CF card inserted before you boot.

After you booted sucessfully, run: mount

Are the partitions mounted?

If yes, run the wizard: Create persistent loop, choose ON EXT3, and make a loop file. A small one will do for a test.


---> Then reboot with the CF card inserted. This time choose in the menu: Boot with persistent changes. The entry 6.

(not yet: boot from pcmcia with persist)

Try to boot, make some changes. Do a clean shutdown/halt. And restart the computer, with inserted card. Choose again menu entry 6.

Does it keep the changes, do you get any errors?


Next test is: you would copy the big livecd.sqfs fle from the CD to the first FAT partition on your CF card. How? Control where this first partition is mounted, by typing: mount

What is the mount point of the FAT partition, something like /media/blah, or /mnt/blah

Look at the directory /initrd/cdrom --> here is the livecd.sqfs

Copy it over to the mount point, /media/blah or /mnt/blah


Restart the computer with the CD, with plugged in card, choose in the menu: boot from pcmcia

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Just boot the default!! But have the CF card inserted before you boot.

After you booted sucessfully, run: mount

Are the partitions mounted?

No, neither I can see the partitions icons in devices.

I think this is the main problem, because before, booting MCNlive toronto from CD, I could see the partitions icons in devices.


It is ok that they are not mounted.

Just try the step 3, I explained above. Before you run the wizard, mount the ext3 partition by opening it via the devices icon.


If yes, run the wizard: Create persistent loop, choose ON EXT3, and make a loop file. A small one will do for a test.

I had to extract and insert again the CF in the PCMCIA slot, now I can see the partitions icons in devices, after click on these are mounted. I made a 50mb persistent loop.


---> Then reboot with the CF card inserted. This time choose in the menu: Boot with persistent changes. The entry 6.

(not yet: boot from pcmcia with persist)

Try to boot, make some changes. Do a clean shutdown/halt. And restart the computer, with inserted card. Choose again menu entry 6.

Does it keep the changes, do you get any errors?

During the boot, after loaded the PCMCIA, appears: can´t open etc/ftstab, then: mcnlive.loop not found.


Next test is: you would copy the big livecd.sqfs fle from the CD to the first FAT partition on your CF card.


Restart the computer with the CD, with plugged in card, choose in the menu: boot from pcmcia

I copied the livecd.sqfs to the the FAT partition, but when I boot from pcmcia, after `searching for the loop image´ I read:

exiting LINUXRC,

then after some rows:

can´t access tly

job control turned off

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Too bad :-(


The error messages indicate that the device is still not initialized. Result is that the partitions can't be found at all, at this early stage.

Unfortunately I don't know where to look, because I don't have the hardware. There is a certain (udev ?) process involved, I believe.


Thanks for testing, pilota.

Looks like you need to buy a cheap USB stick, make an ext3 partitions, to save your settings. I guess it is still the Thinkpad with the broken hard disk, yes?


And ... the next days I have some time to build a new iso. A thanks to you for testing :-)

Just tell me what I should add. Open Office -- I know, something else?

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The error messages indicate that the device is still not initialized. Result is that the partitions can't be found at all, at this early stage. Unfortunately I don't know where to look, because I don't have the hardware. There is a certain (udev ?) process involved, I believe.

The weird is that with MCNlive toronto I could see the partition icons in devices, not with this pilota.iso I cannot.

Don´t you think this is the problem?


Looks like you need to buy a cheap USB stick, make an ext3 partitions, to save your settings. I guess it is still the Thinkpad with the broken hard disk, yes?

Yes, it is. Having my data storage on an external USB hard drive, I don´t need an internal hd.

Actually, I can use a 1gb SD card of my camera into an USB adapter, but the CF into the PCMCIA was convenient beacause I don´t need to remove it when I move the laptop.


And ... the next days I have some time to build a new iso. A thanks to you for testing :-)

Just tell me what I should add. Open Office -- I know, something else?

Thank you so much. Do you know an open source software to use the skype account?

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Just don't insert the CF card before booting, but afterwards.

I thought that you had to re-insert it anyways, in both versions?

When you boot (without these new bootcodes), just with the default, you should have the same behaviour, or?


There is free software to make calls, but not with the Skype network.

Sorry, I don't know, never used it.

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Do you mean,

* when you booted the pilotoa.iso, with the default boot entry, and with inserted card, you could not see icons in the "Devices", only after you took the card out, and in again, then these icons appeared?


* with Toronto, with inserted card before booting, and the default boot, you could see the Card in "Devices", without re-inserting?


Can you answer these questions?

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Just don't insert the CF card before booting, but afterwards.

I thought that you had to re-insert it anyways, in both versions?

When you boot (without these new bootcodes), just with the default, you should have the same behaviour, or?


When I boot with the default in MCNlive toronto I don´t need to re-insert the CF, that´s the point!

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* when you booted the pilotoa.iso, with the default boot entry, and with inserted card, you could not see icons in the "Devices", only after you took the card out, and in again, then these icons appeared?



* with Toronto, with inserted card before booting, and the default boot, you could see the Card in "Devices", without re-inserting?


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Ahaaa. Basically this is a good sign :P


Just to give some explanation.


After the first init process (done by the initrc script inside the initrd) a second mklivecd specific script is executed, hwdetect, it tries to find all ide and usb etc devices, the filesystems, creates mountpoints, writes an fstab file.

After this hwdetect script the normal Mandriva init process starts, then the KDE init.

It is possible that the hwdetect has setup the partitions, but hal/dbus/kde is confused because the (removable) device is already configured.


One more test, or do I ask too much? I am aware that it is not too much fun to do this :D


* With inserted CF card, start the pilota CD, with the default boot, the first entry in the menu.

* When KDE is up and running, don't do anything with the card.

* Open a terminal, and:


cat /etc/fstab


and post the result here.




ls -l /mnt



ls -l /dev/hd*

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One more test, or do I ask too much? I am aware that it is not too much fun to do this :D

No problem at all, thank you for your time!


Here the outputs


[root@localhost guest]# cat /etc/fstab


### Entries below this line were automatically added by hwdetect v0.5.11-20060911


/dev/root / rootfs defaults 0 0


none /proc proc defaults 0 0


none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0


# cdrom: UJDA745 DVD/CDRW

/dev/hdc /media/cdrom auto users,exec,ro,noauto,iocharset=utf8,umask=0 0 0


[root@localhost guest]# ls -l /mnt

total 0


[root@localhost guest]# ls -l /dev/hd*

brw-rw---- 1 guest cdwriter 22, 0 Aug 26 2007 /dev/hdc

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No device nodes are created. Something is missing to get this pcmcia thing initialized. And I have not got the slightest idea what :lol2:


I will make you a customized version, with Open Office, with the original mklivecd script.


Will post here when the iso is done!

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