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ATI Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver 8.39.4


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* The kernel module build no longer fails on kernel version 2.6.22. Further details can be found in topic number 737-28556

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Seems like it's withdrawn now because of the remaining "AMD Testing Use Only" watermark. The watermark can only be seen if you used --buildpkg switch for a distro (if you installed it from a package).

If you used the GUI installer you can't see the watermark. The reason of the bug is whether the /etc/ati/signature file is automatically generated or not. Using the GUI installer it is.

There is already a workaround. Since then the driver is withdrawn so there could be other problems as well.

Related links:

AMD Watermark: "Testing Use Only"

AMD Train Runs Off The Tracks, Again

Fixing The AMD Watermark Issue

AMD 8.39.4 Driver Released -- 8.35 no longer does it better (forum topic)


source: hup.hu

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