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Installing Mandriva One 2007 Spring to blank hdd

Guest LB1701

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Guest LB1701



My first ever venture into Linux has hit a wall!

I've downloaded the Spring 2007 Mandriva One CD Image via Bitorrent as follows:


From page: http://www.mandriva.com/en/download/mandrivaone


CD Image Downloaded: Mandriva Linux One 2007 Spring GNOME 32-bit


Pop it in the CD drive, reboot computer (CDROM set as first boot location) and all I get is 'Invalid System Disk'.


I accept that I am probably being utterly dim, have selected a non bootable version, etc. So any advice anyone could give would be greatly appreciated.


Effectively what I would like to achieve is a computer running Linux as the only operating system - currently the computer I am using has a blank hard disk and I'd kind of like to use it as a functional machine!


Many thanks



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Guest LB1701

Hi.. and thanks for trying to help me.


I can confirm that the CDROM drive is set to be the boot source in the BIOS.


I have redone the CD by recording at just 3x but unfortunately still no luck.


The computer in question is an Acer Travelmate 800LCi laptop with 512MB RAM, Centrino Processor, ATI Graphics card and on board sound.


All I get is:


Invalid System Disk

Replace the disk, and then press any key


I'm presuming this is simply that the computer doesn't recognise the CD as a bootable disk. I assumed that the CD Image I downloaded via BitTorrent (Mandriva Linux One 2007 Spring GNOME 32-bit from http://www.mandriva.com/en/download/mandrivaone ) would be a bootable disk capable of installing the software on a blank HDD from boot. Or am I being embarrassingly naive?


Many thanks,


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When you burn a cd with an .iso ending, you must burn it as an "image" file. Simply copying the file will not do at all. Look at your burning software and be sure you have selected an image type of burn. What software are you using? Nero is a little tricky. When selecting "image" you first only gert Nero image files. But the drop down box offers .iso as a type to burn. After selecting this, you will burn the image to the cd.

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Guest LB1701

Thanks for the tip. Marvellous.

My CD Writing software did not seem to have the capacity to produce image files, so I downloaded a freeware software called ImgBurn.


Having created a CD using this, the system now boots into Mandriva One Live mode successfully.


Curiously, however, when I tried to burn the image using ImgBurn, it would only process the file mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.iso file, which is one of four files downloaded when I used BitTorrent to get the CD Image Mandriva Linux One 2007 Spring GNOME 32-bit from http://www.mandriva.com/en/download/mandrivaone.


The other three files downloaded were:

mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.iso.md5.asc (1KB)

mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.iso.sha1.asc (1KB)

mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.lst (35KB)


Am I going to run into problems? I presume these 3 files mean something! But perhaps not, if Mandriva successfully boots from an image made from the .iso file only? What are these 3 files for? If I need them, can you recommend a CD burning software that will process them?


Yours, still confused (but pleased with an initial success!)



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The other three files downloaded were:

mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.iso.md5.asc (1KB)

mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.iso.sha1.asc (1KB)

mandriva-linux-2007-spring-one-GNOME-cdrom-i586.lst (35KB)


What are these 3 files for?


You don't need to burn those files. The first two are for checking the integrity of the .iso file that you downloaded using alternative methods. The third is a list of the contents of the CD.


There are Windows programs that can perform the integrity check. An easy one to use is md5summer. Google will find it. IIRC the web site includes a useful Help page.



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Guest LB1701

Install problem resolved (and thanks for the info about the extra files).


Thanks to everyone that took the time to help me resolve this.


Mandiva is now successfully installed on my computer's hard drive and now I guess my first Linux adventure begins!


Kind regards



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest cgherman

How you did write the iso on cd? with Burn Image option?


look on the cd what you on disk? one file - iso - or some folder?

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Hi cgherman, and welcome on MUB!


The downloaded iso file, as it is!


Choose the option 'Burn image' (or whatever it is called in your burning software), point it to this .iso file.

The rest is done by your burning program.


*After* you burned the iso, you will find files and directories on the burned CD.

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