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Xboard on Mandriva 2007

Guest Isix

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Guest Isix

Hi Folks


I am new on the forum. I only resently started out with Mandriva --- which I am enjoying a lot. I got Mandriva 2007.0.


Is there a chess game that I can load --- or is there a way to load xboard?




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If you have xboard installed there should be a menu entry in, More Apllications/Games/Arcade, or just bring up a terminal/konsole, Start Menu/System/Terminals/Konsole (assuming KDE) and type xboard


I however prefer eboard, you'll have to have a chess engine installed, but that should be installed as dependencies when you choose/chose. eboard or xboard. I like crafty, you can also use gnuchess, whatever. Also you might like to look at glchess, they are all available through MCC software manager.

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