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how to get hal to stop polling cdrom?


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i'm getting constant activity on my cd/dvd laptop player and see in Device manager that the value "storage.media_check_enabled" is set to true. I want to toggle to false in hopes it will kill activity light. I tried this custom.fdi file:

?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->

<deviceinfo version="0.2">




<!-- Handle unnecessary polling of CD/DVD drive -->

<match key="storage.bus" string="ide">

<match key="storage.model" string="TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-R2102">

<match key="block.device" string="/dev/hdc">

<merge key="storage.media_check_enabled" type="bool">false</merge>








but alas on reboot key is still true. I have put this file in /usr/share/hal/fdi/95userpolicy. Any ideas on how to toggle this value.


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/usr/bin/hal-device-manager is the program i'm refering to. i believe it is derived from gnome but i've used it for awhile under kde 3.4.1. i'm sorry but how does one tell if dvd is using supermount. i know mdv 2006 changed out of the fstab file to udev i believe or something like that in the udev.d directory??

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If you are using supermount it should be evident in your /etc/fstab


Perhaps removing the supermount would fix your problem? I am just guessing here. I did a google search and found some of your posts on the Mandriva Club forum :lol2: I got the impression you had resolved your problem from reading the posts?

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Standard 2006 only uses supermount for the floppy, so even with modified MDE versions, you'd still be using hal for the mounting of CD's.


I think this is a post for the MDE forums considering the mods you've applied, since hal works perfectly fine on my non-modified 2006.

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Your line is practically the same as mine, my iocharset ends in 15 instead of 1, but that shouldn't cause your problem.


Hopefully MDE or THAC will appear and be able to explain or fix the problem you're experiencing.

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