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dhclient static config question

Guest sproot

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OK, just as I said I would post, here's mine. These are from Red Hat, but you can more or less adopt them for any distro you like changing the pathnames to wherever the files exists.




options {
	directory "/var/bind";

	forwarders {; #external dns server 1; # external dns server 2

	listen-on-v6 { none; };
	listen-on {; }; # your ip address of your dns server

	pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";

include "/etc/bind/acl.conf";

zone "." IN {
	type hint;
	file "named.ca";

zone "localhost" IN {
	type master;
	file "pri/localhost.zone";
	allow-update { none; };
	notify no;

zone "127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
	type master;
	file "pri/127.zone";
	allow-update { none; };
	notify no;

zone "buziaks.com" IN {
	type master;
	file "pri/buziaks.com.zone";
	allow-query {our-networks;}; # using my acl here for only my networks
	allow-update {none;};


acl.conf (for allowing interrogation by only your own IP ranges):


acl "our-networks" {;;;;


now the zone files that are earmarked in named.conf:




$ORIGIN 127.in-addr.arpa.
@					   1D IN SOA	   localhost. root.localhost. (
									2002081601	; serial
									3H			; refresh
									15M		; retry
									1W			; expiry
									1D )		  ; minimum

					1D IN NS		localhost.
*					   1D IN PTR	   localhost.




@	   IN	  SOA	 ns.localhost. root.localhost.  (
								  2002081601; Serial
								  28800	; Refresh
								  14400	; Retry
								  604800; Expire - 1 week
								  86400 )  ; Minimum
			IN	  NS
localhost.	  IN	  A




$TTL 14400

@	   IN SOA ns1.buziaks.com. admin.buziaks.com. (
	2006032401	; serial
	7200		  ; refresh
	7200		  ; retry
	604800		; expire
	86400 )	; minimum

buziaks.com.				 IN	  NS	  ns1.buziaks.com
buziaks.com.				 IN	  A	   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (external ip here to your website so that internal resources go here)
mail.buziaks.com.			IN	  A
www.buziaks.com.			 IN	  A	   xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (same as above, so external ip here - in case users type www.yourdomain and not just yourdomain)
buziaks.com.				 IN	  MX 5	mail.buziaks.com
webmail.buziaks.com.		 IN	  A
proxy.buziaks.com.		   IN	  A


note the comments in brackets don't exist in the file, I've put these so you know what to put here, so make sure your file doesn't have these. Please note that this file mostly has all internal references to your machines, apart from if you have your website hosted externally, like I do, so you have your external pointers - unless you host it yourself, then put your internal ip of your web server.


Also note, that when you make changes to the file, to update the serial. At the end is the 01 digit, change this to 02, 03, 04, etc each time you make a change. If you only have one DNS server, then this doesn't matter too much, it's just to keep them in sync. Otherwise, if only one, just leave it, since it won't be replicating with the internet DNS servers anyhow. The format of the serial is usually yyyymmddxx where xx is version info.


This file is correct, however, I'm not using this one myself. I've replaced my clients values, with my values, but the workings are the same, and will provide you with a working DNS server.

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