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linux vs pocket pc, linux vs palm os

Guest majid7

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Guest majid7

hello dear friend

i wonder if u could help me i shall be very very thankful to u for that. why one should use linux instead os palm os or pocket pc ? what are pros and cons of using linux on PDA. i mean i want an over all compoarison of linux with other operating systems on PDA's. I shall appreciate your kind response.

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It largely depends what you want to do with the PDA ..

For my needs PalmOS works fine ...

however I saw a new Nokia and a new embedded device http://www.gp2x.co.uk/viewgp2x.html with linux.

The advantage is anyone can port over stuff like mplayer etc.


Palm isn't much of a real OS.. it has no filesystem etc. but if its good for you then its fine, I find it does most of what I want from a Palm device.


WinCE .. well I don't really know. I think its one of the better OS's from MS... one advantage over Palm for instance is that it does skype... and Palm doesn't!


So I think what I mean is in the end its really what you want to use it for?

Mine is used as a dictionary, PDA mainly so Palm works fine for me...

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I have a Tungsten E and the Palm os works without any problems. In fact, With windows, the palm backup and maintenance attempts to prevent me from working on more than one pc. Linux does not. So the Palm os itself is not the culprit, but rather windows is!


How would I put linux on a palm device?

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The advantages of Linux on a PDA (or any other) device are the same as those on your computer IMHO: Stability, fun-factor (or break-factor, depending :P ), it's super geeky, you'll have the CLI.... etc.


Mostly, it's the challenge of getting it installed (if you aren't going for a pre-installed device).


There are some amazing projects for portable devices that have really come along and benefit from open source development, just as they would've on the PC. Checkout Familiar Linux for one.


Palm OS is shaky at the best of times I find... it's slow, buggy and crashes often (if it's still anything like it was around Palm OS 4 - haven't used it since) and Pocket PC is... well.... Windows. I had an ipaq with Pocket PC and it sucked piles.

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I've used Linux, Pocket PC and Palm on PDA's before and they are all good imho - although Linux is the least "polished", but I still found it very useable. It also had less apps for it at the time - but that's probably changed.


The bottom line is that, out of all of these, Palm is by far the easiest to sync with your Linux desktop. The others can be done, but it's much more work...

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