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Mandriva user/beginner guide

Guest orvils

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If anyone has suggestions for the document, do they communicate with you? Some more info like this would be helpful.

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Guest orvils

Well it would be nice if anyone willing to help would introduce himself to me, I would like to know who is wth us :) but it is not obligatory... If you have anything that could improve this guide, you can just add it to the wiki :)


Unfortunately I myself am not a Mandriva user, so I'll need a lot of help to make the guide as good as it should be.



As for the idea or guidelines for this guide, the main idea is "It just works". So any instructions must be compleat and they must work. [you can not add topic saying, Download this from there, and then install, you must add console commands for everything]


The other guideline is "Don't bother me with what it does, just do it". EasyLinux.info is not to learn Linux, but to get everything working.


This site is for the users... to help them get free...

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Guest hippiesparx
I already added a few things and probably add some more. I'm thinking about a table which would help to find the Linux equivalent of Windows progs. That and a general "how to install software" could replace those "How to install ..." parts.

Hi peeps,

I'm an absolute linux newbie. I had a play with suse 6.3 for a while and am 3/4s into getting mandrake 9.2 working. Thats a bit of an improve over suse6.3. I suppose everything improves with age. Anyway I spent the last couple of hours trying to get my alcatel speedtouch 530 working through the usb using mgmnt.o and all the hints and tips available on bulletin boards all over the net. I was trying to get the usb working because my eMac (with one ethernet port) was using the ethernet out. I didn't bother anybody myself because it seemed such a basic issue that it must have been dealt with. Well, the best advice I read was basically "Get over it and buy a router for $30 and use eth0", which I did. I still had trouble until I found http://www.mandrake.tips.4.free.fr/index.html and following his advice under 'configure' Multivac is up and on the net. Yeehah!!!!! Thanx to all the xperts out there who contribute to forums and to all you other newbies good luck. No doubt I'll have more dumb questions as the road goes ever on.


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I already added a few things and probably add some more. I'm thinking about a table which would help to find the Linux equivalent of Windows progs. That and a general "how to install software" could replace those "How to install ..." parts.


Whaever you do keep the "ordinary user" in your mind... Guide must be easy to understand, and it must work...


There should not bee a lot of explanations on how to install programms or how does linux work... The result must be few simple instructions to get thinks done. A table of equivalents that generates installation commands could do...

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