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I never upgraded from 9.0 to 10.1


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Well can one or more off you can tell me please step by step to explain me to upgrade from Mandrake 9.0 - 2006?

Edited by Mandriva-user
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The way i would do it is do a new install a such..


Check your home directory is on another partition which you will not overwrite..


Then copy files from your /etc/ directory to this partition for backup purposes and checking any weird settings you may have later.



Then do a new install.. to 2006.


There have been so many changes since 9.0 and the updates will take so long to complete and during it you could lose some ability due to conflicts with packages..


I did one and lost KDE at one stage and had to run the upgrade slowly from the command line..


You could lose some packages that you have installed from other sources though that is the main drawback.. and finding them again and installing could be a pain, but they could also conflict with the upgrade and break it half way.. Not nice..


Forgot also check if you have webpages or other data sitting in /var/ ..


You may want to keep them.. So copy them also to the Other partition you will not be overwriting..

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I would do a clean install. Version 9 is based on 2.4 kernel and uses devfs. Mandrake 10.1 and higher Mandriva versions run a 2.6 kernel and udev.


You might get lots of problems. So make sure you have separate home drive, or back it up, then new install.


You could upgrade, but you'll most likely get a lot of issues with the lack of support for devfs in 2.6 kernels from 10.1 onwards.

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