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Internet Connection?


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I browsing may 30minutes after that is disconnect what should I do so I can be for hours and hours on internet with out be disconnect.

Thise is the first time is happen to me that disconnect the internet connections.


Ciao Mandriva-user

Edited by Mandriva-user
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Most times disconnecting is caused by the ISP or a too long distance (shaky network connection) to either the modem or the ISPs server. But it could be caused by other things as well. So I suggest to ask your ISP first.

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Well I phoned ISP and talk to them it is Mandriva -linux has something to do because in winXP works fine or something else.

In fact linux is 100% safer then winlose,so my frien told me to wait and get suse 10.0 version.


Ciao Mandriva-user

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