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About restart


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Well the same-thing ----> System---->Login Manager and "shutdown" ---> Local Everybody and ---> Remote Everybody.

It works only few time back to the old story ----> System---->Login Manager and "shutdown" ---> Local Nobody and ---> Remote Everybody. It`s repeat again I have to change again, ----> System---->Login Manager and "shutdown" ---> Local Everybody and ---> Remote Everybody.It`s going on,and on and on.

So what do I have to do to change it so that I can restart permanent

Well I was happy with 9.1 and 10.0 Mandrakelinux,2005 edition and 2006 beta4 has change litle.


Today I start MD 2006 beta4 I pressCtrl-Alt-Delete it doesn`t tell me restart anymore

the same story __>system......aand that`s going on and on....


Can somebody help me please.




[moved from Installing Mandriva by spinynorman]

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You want to shutdown X or your PC? If it's just X, open a console, login as root and type: init 3


I hold Ctrl+Alt+Delete  it cames up a window it tells me


End Session for Bob


End Current Session




I don`t looking for that.


End Session For Bob


End Current Session


Turn Off Computer    -----------> I like that so I can restart to winxp


Restart Computer 




That is what I`m looking for.

I know that I have to go to Konsole to change that but how?




Edited by Mandriva-user
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You need to open KDE Control Centre and select Components then select Session Manager in there, make sure there is a tick in the two boxes in General. Look at the other options to see what you want and put a tick in those as well. Click on apply and when you next log out you will get a little menu box asking whether you want to reboot or whatever.


Cheers. John.

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You need to open KDE Control Centre and select Components then select Session Manager in there, make sure there is a tick in the two boxes in General. Look at the other options to see what you want and put a tick in those as well. Click on apply and when you next log out you will get a little menu box asking whether you want to reboot or whatever.


Cheers.                                     John.


Well it is not working hmmm?


Ciao Mandriva-user

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