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Build a Laptop on my own....?

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I think he means hot as in "hot goods" - stolen.


It is possible that it isn't stolen, but obviously one should be careful. I'm not a big fan of Toshiba. If I had to buy a PC laptop, my preferences would be:


1 - IBM

2 - Alienware

3 - HP

4 - Fujitsu-Siemens


HP is just in there because of the Linux support, no other reason.

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My list would be different as I keep the budget as a factor also.


1. ACER (despite what some say, I never had trouble with any Acer I installed, and I did a lot of them)

2. Asus

3. HP

4. Dell


IBM : Good but way overprised for a personal laptop

Alienware: sorry, but they are ugly

Fujitsu: bad quality case

Packard-Bell: If you're serious about IT you won't be buying that, they should offer those machines together with a Happy Meal at Mc Donalds. :D

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I think I don't understand a word what you're saying  :wacko: :huh: 


Do you mean it's hot = temperature or hot = really cool laptop ?


Anyway, I wouldn't get a Toshiba, IMHO they're only good for pure business use, or you need to go with the Quosimo line and then you'll have serious trouble getting all the gadgets working under Linux.


Sinon t'explique en français et je pourrais t'aider.  ;)


But if you saying so don`t get it ,ok I listen to you.




You right

I`m saying may the toshiba is hot stolen? B)

Edited by Mandriva-user
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I will get now the new AMD Opteron™ Processor it gona be few dollars more with other option. :banana::beer:

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Can you show me 1 laptop that is running a Opteron cpu ?  :blink:

Well, it will be available in few month`s,I hope before my Geburtstag?.

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Well now I will get Acer® Aspire™ 5020 and about Opteron is not for me now in the future I skip it.


Thanx gentlemen :D

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  • 3 months later...

It is extremely difficult to build-ur-own-laptop. There are several issues associated with it ( i can confidently say this coz i was running around to try the same a few months ago). Some of the issues are as -

1. U wont get ALL the parts from one place. at the most ppl will sell u a harddrive, ram, lcd screen.

2. The case is the major problem. U cant use the case of 1 and put in the parts meant to be for another one. so u got to actually get the case fabricated for urself of the exact size.

3. U might know how to get it fabricated..but lemme tell u a 2milimeter error in the process and ur screen will not fit in/ fit in loose/ have loose contacts and be clumsy to use..

4. The fan and the air-channel inlet/outlet will generally come with the case u wanna use..but if u r still planning ur own case..beware..a slight error here and ur laptop will heat up crazy!


In short compatibility isnt as easy as u think.. its a different thing to assemble a PC..u can assemble a PC in 15 mins..all parts fit in smoothely..but laptop isnt easy at all..


i wud suggest u 2 do wht i did...bought an acer 4152LCi great performance, great price!


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in my previous post i kept mentioning abt the case..to avoid any confusion im claritying here--wht i meant by the case is not the carry case but the plastic/fibre body of ur laptop on which ur keyboard sits :)

i know this is cliche..but just wanted to make sure no one reads the other way

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