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Starting Stuff on boot

Guest JulesVerne

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Guest JulesVerne

Hello there,

I dislike my screen to blank after 10 minutes (or something) so I'd like to start xscreensaver everytime x starts .... I found a way to do so, but that only works when I start from a login manager (kdm for exapmle) .... but since I use auto login, that doesn't help.

Do you have any suggestions? Is there a file that I have to place "xscreensaver" in?


Thank you very much!!!!


PS. I hope so much that Mandrake will survive..... I never used such a great OS before!

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First you'll need to get the RPM's from freshmeat. Or just look up Xscreensaver on the net.


Second you'll have to make sure you have the GLX drivers installed. If you have Gnome installed then the GLX drivers are in already.


You'll have to turn off the screensaver in KDE. I use KDE so I can only tell you how in KDE. The others are probobly the same.


Install the Xscreansaver RPM from an xterm screen.


You'll have to make and edit a file to auto start it when KDE starts. From Xterm screen change to root mode. Change to directory /home/(yourusername)/Autostart/.kde/


I use VIM to edit and make files. So type

vim /home/(yourusername)/Autostart/.kde/launch-xscreensaver


This makes the file and starts vim to edit it. Insert this into the blank file.





xscreensaver -nosplash




Write and exit the VIM file. You might have to look up VIM comands but they are easy and simple.


Now you'll have to make the launch-xscreensaver file exacutable. Still as root, type

chmod +x /home/(yourusername)/Autostart/.kde/launch-xscreensaver


If I remembered everything the right way and you got through all this ok then the next time you start KDE the screensaver will automaticly start. You can edit everything about it by editing the xscreensaver-config file that extracting the RPM put into your system.


Of course all of this is also in the readme files and on freshmeat.


If anyone sees that I have screwed something up or forgot something then please correct my post. It has been several months since I did this.

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Guest JulesVerne

Thank you for answering so soon!

I should have mentioned 2 things.... I am sorry that I forgot it.

1. I already have xscreensaver installed and set up to work. So my only problem would be to get it startet without me having to open a shell and type "xscreensaver".

2. I don't really like KDE and Gnome, they are quite a little too much blowen up to fit my taste... so I am using IceWM and WindowMaker. Does that "/home/user/Autostart/.kde" thing also work on other window managers (such as IceWM and WMaker?)??


Okay, again, thank you!


Yours JulesVerne

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Does that "/home/user/Autostart/.kde" thing also work on other window managers (such as IceWM and WMaker?)??




Take a look there -> http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php...1796&highlight=


Basically you have to make a file in your $HOME directory named .xinitrc and write your stuff that you want to start when you startx in that file. Here is mine and I use IceWM. I ONLY HAVE TO TYPE STARTX AND ICEWM LOADS.



gkrellm &

xscreensaver -nosplash &

play /home/gd/Programs/SoCool.wav & exit &


Hope that help



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To the best of my knowledge (which is little) Putting the starting scipt in xinitrc starts the xscreensaver when xstarts and placing it in the Autostart directory starts it when KDE starts.

Both do almost the same thing. but since I almost never use a desktop other than KDE i don't need it to start when X does. But I might change it eventualy.


And thanks for the corections!

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To the best of my knowledge (which is little) Putting the starting scipt in xinitrc starts the xscreensaver when xstarts and placing it in the Autostart directory starts it when KDE starts.

Both do almost the same thing. but since I almost never use a desktop other than KDE i don't need it to start when X does.


100% correct. But why not put it in a .xinitrc file regardless. that way, if you decide to play in another WM or desktop, your screensaver settings will be a non-issue...they'll always he there.

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I think I might. I didn't at first because i thought my brother would be logging onto this pc also and would want to setup everything himself the way he liked. but since he has since said no to that idea then its all mine to modify anyway I like. So I probobly will be doing that latter today. I've tried icewm and gnome but just didn't feel comfortable with them then. Now that I feel a little more comfortable modifeing them I'll try them more often.

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