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Upgrading KDE 3.2 to 3.4


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I've been doing a few searches to find out the easiest way to do this and am unsure of which way to turn.


At present, I'm thinking of not upgrading due to issues people have experienced, and ended up trashing their systems and having to reinstall from scratch.


I saw some posts on using Thacs RPM's, but also found a search saying people had trashed systems when doing this way also. Perhaps they were doing something wrong?!? It was mentioned to maybe wait until Mandrake/Mandriva would release the RPM's to do this?


Also, I saw a post that Xorg may need to be upgraded to.


Does anyone have a step-by-step guide on how to do this, as I would like the benefits it offers if it's faster than the current version.


I've applied all Normal, Security and Bug Fixes to my system, and I have also set up the URPMI for main, contrib, jpackage and update_source.


I'm quite new to Linux, although am not afraid to use the console to do this if need be.

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Thacs earlier rpms did have a major flaw somewhere because when I installed the earlier ones, everything worked while I had not rebooted.

I needed to go into my Windows2000 OS so rebooted into it. However when I rebooted into Mandriva2005LE it got to my kdm log in screen and it would not accept password in root or go into my passwordless john account. It took me two days and long nights to eventually find my way to getting back in. When I did so I installed the full set of Thacs kde-3.4 updates for the ones already installed. Since then I have rebooted with absolutely no trouble and everything else works just fine.


KDE-3.4 has many lovely suprises but I won't spoil the fun of discovery by describing any of them.


The only minor hassle is that the kdetoys-kweather still does not work. I have installed it, uninstalled it and reinstalled it but it still will not properly activate. In the "Selected Stations" panel I can see the icon for what I am reasonably certain is the correct one for the present weather at my location as selected in the "Available Stations", but it is not being transferred into the applet on the panel.


Is it worth the install of kde-3.4 ???. I think it is and despite my problems, I think a humungas thank you must be directed to Thac for the mind boggling amount of work and effort he put into doing all this for we Mandriva supporters. Mandriva didn't do it, but basicaly one man on his own did it. Truly amazing dedication. Thank you sincerely Thac.


So yes, go for it.


Cheers. John


P.S. Not bad for an oldie huh??

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Am currently downloading kdebase and all dependencies, so hopefully should have a working system later!


Will keep you posted.

Edited by ianw1974
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I seem to be up and running, but I had to change the display manager from mdk-kdm to XDM. Anyone know how to fix this little prob?


What happened was that when I logged in, it just gave me an Xterm of which I could then type startkde to get KDE up and running. How can I go back to mdk-kdm without errors?


I also seem to find that Firefox has stopped working. Perhaps I need to reinstall it.

Edited by ianw1974
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The only minor hassle is that the kdetoys-kweather still does not work. I have installed it, uninstalled it and reinstalled it but it still will not properly activate.  In the "Selected Stations" panel I can see the icon for what I am reasonably certain is the correct one for the present weather at my location as selected in the "Available Stations", but it is not being transferred into the applet on the panel.


kweather works just fine for me.

maybe try manually entering your station code

or put kweather on your panel, enter the station name,

then remowe it and then put it on again


sounds illogical I know, but that's how I got it working on 10.0 and 10.1 (various versions of kde) when I had a simmilar error.

No errors on 3.4 for me though

Edited by solarian
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I seem to be up and running, but I had to change the display manager from mdk-kdm to XDM.  Anyone know how to fix this little prob?


What happened was that when I logged in, it just gave me an Xterm of which I could then type startkde to get KDE up and running.  How can I go back to mdk-kdm without errors?


I also seem to find that Firefox has stopped working.  Perhaps I need to reinstall it.


Reinstall kdm. It will uninstall some other packages with it, but you can reinstall them too.

I had the same error, fixed it with reinstalling kdm.


p.s. Do you run firefox from a shortcut as ./firefox from a directory?

I had the same problem, it required one file to download which 10.2 is missing.

Launch firefox from a terminal to find out which, but I suggest you install a firefox.rpm,

it works without that file (was some lib.so5 file)

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Kweather still does not work no matter what I try or the other gratefully received suggestions.

Remember, I said I have tried reinstalling it a number of times already as well. The version I am using is kdetoys-kweather-3.4.0-6mdk10.2.thac



Regarding getting back to kdm:-

Open MCC then select SYSTEM then select Choose Display manager

and then select KDM then close out.

Edited by AussieJohn
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humm.. have you tried a different station (just for testing)? maybe it's not a kde problem since it works for others

edit: I'm using the same version

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I have kind of given up on this for the time being. Reasons are that it seemed very buggy, lots of little problems I experienced. Them being:


1. Corruption of mdkkdm (although I know I could fix this easily enough).

2. Copying data to my usb hard drive (found it actually left 0 byte files on the usb hard drive so I lost the data when I reformatted and went back to 10.1 OE and KDE 3.2.3).

3. Only log out buttons, nothing for shutdown or reboot.

4. Firefox issues, sometimes would run sometimes would not.

5. When using the system, it would periodically freeze for about 10-15 seconds before I could continue again. This could easily be forced by scrolling through the wallpaper when configuring the desktop

6. Sound was OK on Kernel, but I figured an upgrade to 2.6.11 would be better and then my sound got screwed. Tried the original kernel and booted OK, but no sound. Removed 2.6.11 kernel and system wouldn't boot at all then!


I may have another go later, but I'll investigate it a bit further, and possibly install using the source from kde.org. I can't figure out how konstruct works, but then I am a newbie to all this so maybe is why I shouldn't be doing such an upgrade right now!!!


However, my Xorg upgrade worked a treat prior to the KDE upgrade, so I know I will be doing that again anyhow.

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1. Had that too, easy fixed

2. Don't have an usb hd, don't know

3. I haven't encountered such a problem on this KDE install, however the cause for the problem is the corrupt KDM

4. Had Firefox issues on 10.2/KDE3.4, but fixed easely (as told above)

5. Did you install the latest QT? Not doing it might be the cause of freezing.

6. Haven't had sound problems since 10.0 OE

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I pulled everything from Thacs rpm's, so am assuming it was the latest QT. I unfortunately can't check now, since I've reinstalled, but I'll try again when I'm brave enough :D

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