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Disable magicdev


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why not disable nero instead? :D

Guess I will. I killalled magicdev and put an empty rw CD in, but Nero wrote it's not empty and wanted to erase it anyway. I chose OK, but the erasing stopped at about 50% and it started all over again (it's not empty, erase it).

I know Mandrake is not supported but it's only a CD writer.

I have to burn it under win.

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Why use windows to burn?


I fyou weren't aware, there's a number of very good CD autoring probrams for linux, which are free. Personaly, my favorite is called k3b. It's part of KDE, but may not have been installed. If it's not there you can add it through the mandrake control center.


I have always fround k3b to be a very complete and robust burning program that competes nicely with some of the nicer windows software, like nero.


BGy default in mandrake, you can find it at kmenu>system>archiving>cdburning>k3b and you can open up a console programs like konsole or eterm, and enter the command 'k3b'

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