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Trouble Using USB Pen Drive [solved]


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I have no CD burner in my comp, so I go by using USB Pen Drives. When I put in my Pen Drive, it is detected and mounted to /mnt/removable (by Supermount I assume). Now, reading from the Pen Drive is ok. However, Konqueror doesn't load when I try to browse it. I've been able to read from it using the console. Yet after I have the Pen Drive in, my comp is *horribly* slow. Every time I try to write/copy to the drive, it fails (makes a 0 byte file). I have no idea how to unmount it as well (I admit, I am a *nix beginner :D ) so I end up having to reboot to salvage any speed.

Can somebody help me? I'm also curious on how to unmount the drive through the console. All feedback is appreciated.

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I have had problems in the past with pen drives that are claimed to be supported, but to be honest, this is a new one on me.


One of the most common problems, which I suppose 'could' be the problem here is the way they are formated. Let me explain as best I can, and hopefully someone else can pick up the slack.


In windows, things like pen drives are normaly formated without patitions. Iin linux, that would mean it would be, for example, /dev/sda/


That's different than how linux would format it. In linux, it would be formated as sda, and then a logical volume would be created 'inside' sda. This would be /dev/sda1.


Your hard drive is the same way. The drive is hda usualy, and the logical partitions inside are numbered hda1, hda2 and so on.


What you might try doing in linux is formatting it 'properly' Windows will still reccognize all the data, but linux will mount it with less hassle. It's a stretch, but being mounted incorrectly 'could' be the problem.


Another possible cause, is that the stick itself has bad data on it, and formatting will fix that too.


This is where I get fuzzy, haven't manualy formatted in a while. Perhaps someone else can help you with that, or tell you how to do it through the Mandrake Control Center. I know it's possible to do that way, if nobodyhelps by tomorrow, I'll figure it out and let you know.

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vdub: heh, nah, that's just the #1 First Solution To Try For Any Odd Hardware Issues Ever. :) btw, it wouldn't be the 'no partition table' bug, as then it wouldn't get automounted (this has *just* been fixed for 10.2). Got to be something different, either some miscellaneous hardware gremlin or something else. Your 'somehow bad file' suggestion could be an idea, though, if the APIC stuff doesn't help, we might have to look into that...

Edited by adamw
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However, Konqueror doesn't load when I try to browse it.


If you are using Mandrake 10.1, this is a known bug. Use nautlius or any other filer, and it should be fine.


Btw, to unmount the removable drive, simply type:


$ su
# umount /dev/sda1

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Yes, I am using KDE under 10.1. And I have been having trouble with USB devices. Thanks for your comments. I'm going to read about the camera to attempt to find out how to fix my USB issues. I'll probably have to update my system. Thank you for your comments. :drum:

Edited by Lärs
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btw, it wouldn't be the 'no partition table' bug, as then it wouldn't get automounted (this has *just* been fixed for 10.2



WOW. I hadn't read your reply closely enough before now. My wife has a pen drive that REALY doesn't like having a partittion table for some inexplicable reason, so I have to leave it just formatted, and mount the stupid thing manualy every time. This alone is enough to make me buy a limeted edition 2005 powerpack. I was going to try and stick it out, or maybe play around with a new distro until 2007 came out, since it will be the first true 1 year release, but this is worth it for me.


Thanks for the info.

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Yes, I am using KDE under 10.1.  And I have been having trouble with USB devices.  Thanks for your comments.  I'm going to read about the camera to attempt to find out how to fix my USB issues.  I'll probably have to update my system.  Thank you for your comments.  :drum:

no problem! :D the camera is in a way, a USB mass storage device, in the same way as the USB pen drive. This makes the concept the same. Good luck!

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veedub: we're having 'fun' with this issue right now :\. Fred applied a fix for the non-partitioned-devices problem which now appears to break automounting of some *other* devices. Hopefully it can all get worked out, sigh. Nothing's ever simple.

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