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Changing Menu Bar Icon In Gnome [solved]


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Actually...it will.


I believe the default icon location for gnome in Mandrake is /usr/share/icons


This is not where new icon themes go, but we'll get to that.


Open up nautilus and navigate to that folder. Look in the folder of the icon theme you currently have installed. Look for the star icon and take note of what the name of it is.


Now, if you have your own icon themes installed, they will be in ~/.icons Find an icon that you want to use for the Gnome menu and change the name of that icon to the name of the star icon. You may have to remove and re-apply your icon theme, or restart Gnome, for the changes to take affect.

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yeah, i know it should be as easy as just changing some file names on icons, i just cant figure out where the icon is that its using for the star in the menu bar. ive tried a few places - including the mandrake.png star in /usr/share/icons like you said - but none of them are right. if anyone knows where that icon is comming from please let me know. keep in mind that i am using the menu bar and not just the regular menu button thats there by default.

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this will not work in gnome unless you run menudrake and change the menu-structure from mandrake-menu to standard gnome-menu. ;)

it was really the only way for me to change it in mandrake... and i replaced and deleted ALL stars i could find on my box. i know, they must have hidden the thing somewhere, but where, damnit? it is definitely not in /usr/share. :angry:

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