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batch job dies upon logout

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Hi, I have a f77 program that I want to run. I log into my workstation from home

via ssh and run the executable by


./a.out > runspecs &


the job then begins to run but when I log out and log back in the job has died (yes

I have tried running the job at the terminal and all is fine...).


the file redirection captures output that is normally printed to the screen.


Any ideas?


I am running mandrake 10.0 official kernel 2.6.3-7



R Haynes

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Try making a very simple F77 program that has no complexity, maybe opens a file, writes a date/time stamp, closes the file over and over until the process quits. Then see if your logout interupts this or not. If not, it tells you something specific to your first program, if not, its something else. May have to work on the process of elimination in this kind of problem. How about if you run it as root? Does it interrupt if you log out?

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Also, now that I'm thinking about it, your ID is a process. you login and are a process. So if you create a process that runs under your process, then you are killing your top process when you log out. Why should your subprocess continue to run? Not because its in the background (still under your login process). I'm not 100% about this though.. is there a process you can attach this F77 process too to keep it running (a daemon)? I'm not really savvy here, anyone have any ideas?

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Also, now that I'm thinking about it, your ID is a process. you login and are a process. So if you create a process that runs under your process, then you are killing your top process when you log out. Why should your subprocess continue to run? Not because its in the background (still under your login process). I'm not 100% about this though..  is there a process you can attach this F77 process too to keep it running (a daemon)? I'm not really savvy here, anyone have any ideas?



Yep you need to make the process owned by a process which doesn't belong to a GUI process.

steve demionstrates the easy way to do this....

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