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Setting up PHP / APACHE server

Guest Professor_Kan

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Guest Professor_Kan

Please excuse the noobie here.



I just installed software packages like WINE, APACHE, PHP off the Mandrake CDs.


Everything installed successfully, but I'm not sure how to locate it and use these programs ? There's not in my Menu list.



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well, you could try just typing in the name of the program under terminal or konsole or whatever, or under the run dialog box in Gnome. I know this will work for Wine (you might need to also specify the program for it to run though), but for servers I'm not sure, but I would recommend installing webmin for those, then just open a web browser and go to https:\\localhost:10000 and configure them from there.

Edited by Urza9814
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Guest Professor_Kan

thanks but I still dont know hot to run APACHE sever and access to my PHP modules.


is there a very simple FAQ for a new like me ?


I've seen some users have their Window background transparent, how is that done ?


I can only make my menu and menu bar transparent.


Thanks for your input !

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You need to learn to use Webmin. This is the easiest way for you to start using Apache and PHP modules. The reason is that Webmin provides you with a browser interface to control your computer. One module in Webmin is devoted to controling Apache. Starting with this, you can become familiar with Apache and its commands.


Open a browser and try to enter




If Webmin is running, it will do automatically run through your browser. If not, you will need to install it first.


Give this a try and let us know how you make out.

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Guest Professor_Kan

thanks for your input


I created virutal server but still cannot get Apache up and running.


But for my future reference, when I install a need package software, how would I be able to initiaite it without going through webmin?


I'm use to seeing shortcuts in my start menu right after I install the software. Is this different for Linux ?





Thanks !

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to add a program to your menu, use meudrake. To run it you can usually just type in the name of the program in terminal or konsole or whatever...same thing for menudrake, just put in the name of the program.

As for the transparent windows...I know Eterm can go transparent, and you can do some things from that...anything that'll run in CLI...Irssi for IRC, you could try naim for IM...I dunno about other stuff though.

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Guest Professor_Kan

thanks for clearing this up.



I'm still trying to get my Apache running.


I created a virtual server named ABC


so when I type in http://ABC in the browser, it should take me to Apache.


But it displays "error cannot resolve host name"

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Hi, re the http://ABC thing, if I understand right you need to actually have a DNS server running on your machine to bind this host-name. Otherwise there's nothing in the HTTP request to say that 'ABC' is on this computer. I don't full well understand that stuff, but the only hostnames I can use on my own machine are 'localhost' and '<my computername>'.


BTW you can stop/start Apache from Mandrake Control Centre > System > Services (it's called httpd or httpd2). Or simpler, from a root console you can type


service httpd2 [start/stop/restart]


When installed it should be configured to run automatically. What PHP modules are you wishing to install - are they not available through your URPMI sources?

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Guest Professor_Kan
BTW you can stop/start Apache from Mandrake Control Centre > System > Services (it's called httpd or httpd2).


I dont see this in the menu items?



I do see Apache on http://localhost, but how do I change this? I have set up Apache virtual servers but it doesn't seem to be recognized.


For my reference, when you install a package or module on linux, you have to create your own desktop shortcuts to each program? Or does Linux have a specific "Program Files" directory, where I can create a shortcut from there ?


I'm a complete Noob, please excuse me. It's my 1st week using Linux.



Thanks for everyones input B)

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try.................at the command line or shell, login as root then edit the file below..

assuming u know vi,... if not use mc ..

cd /etc/httpd/conf/


then select httpd2.conf


find those listed below


#BindAddress *





Listen 8001



note:// the part.. listen tells that your apache2 will listen to your local interface in port 80, well if you want it to be seen publicly, you can replace that IP with your Public IP

... btw, this is assuming u'r using apache2..


you can start and stop apache from your terminal window as root by typing

#apachectl start

#apachectl stop


#/etc/init.d/httpd start | restart | stop

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