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uninstall Mandrake

Guest SoldierofHyrule

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Guest SoldierofHyrule

i dont know if this is the right place but, yeah it just isnt working so how would i go about uninstalling it so i can try and install Fedora. Mandrake is just giving me way to many problems.


Also i dont know if this info is needed but when i did install it i told it to use the space on the windows partition.

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You don't say what isn't working so it's hard to know if you'll derive any benefit from moving to another distro.


There are a number of ways to get rid of your Mandrake installation. The simplest is to run the Fedora installer (Anaconda) and install over top of the existing linux partitions. Formatting the partition is a part of the installation process. If you wish, you can format the partition with a partition manager including Diskdrake.


Good luck. I've tried various versions of Red Hat including Fedora and have always come running back to Mandrake. All a matter of preference I suppose.



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Isn't it too son to give up. Why don't you ask for help within the forum? As per my poor experience, Mandrake is one of the best and easiest distribution for those who are moving from Windows. (I think it's not a matter of personal taste but a fact).

People here are very helpful and always available for helping us out. Why don't you list all the issues you have been facing in the appropriate section of this forum and wait for a response?

Before shifting to another Distro, check its support! This forum is one of the best you are going to find out there. When I started using linux, it was one of the main factors for my choice, I mean: It's good to count with some help in those difficult moments and here for sure you will have it.

Good luck and don't give up.

Cheers. B)

Edited by william
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I gotta agree with william although i don't think MDK deserves to be called one of the best distro's anymore but it certainly has the best support board.

This makes an enormous difference ..

Lots of other distro''s are much better in different ways ... but the support is a large factor .... and a good reason to choose a distro.


Im sure fedora is great and all but there is a different way of doing stuff in linux that just takes getiong used to and it will be the same in any linux you try.... (more or less but certainly in Fedora)..

what you probably need is a bit of time and get down to cracking those things that didn't work out and then take that knowledge on later.


For your info I don't even have a MDK install right now... but changing distro's rarely solves problems ... indeed most of us that use several do so for the extra challenge rather than anything else...

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Uninstall linux? Simply do a default install of windows. Windows will destroy any other os in the computer all by itself. It is the default installation tactic.

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