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Firefox as default webbrowser


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I'm working with Mandrake 10.1 official, KDE 3.2.3, firefox 1.0 and thunderbird 1.0.


When there is a link in my mail on Thunderbird, I click and the webpage is opened in Konqueror. How to open this link by default with firefox ? (I have the same problem with evolution).


Thanks and scuse me for my english :S



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go to KDE control center (kicker menu->system->configuration->configure your desktop), components->file associations. type html in the search box. select the file extension in the left panel. look at the associated programs for it in the lower right panel. if firefox is in the list, move it to the top, "apply". if it isn't in the list, click "add", browse to the binary (should be /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox) to add it, then click "apply".



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try looking in the preferences/settings in Thunderbird for an "open with" type setting for links/html. i don't use Thunderbird, but most e-mail apps have something like that.



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Yea i need to do this and its in LXF this month so these are there instructions so i hope they work!


open a new terminal

cd /home/username/.mozilla/firefox/longubmber.default

then edit the pref.js file by adding this to the bottom





yea i know that the above path is for kmail but you just a dd your own path in there :)


let us know if it works for you

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