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Trash can doesn't function


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I dunno where to post this .... but here it goes.


I've been having this problem for quite some time but I ignored it thinking that an update would solve it. I'm using the latest, bleeding edge, Cooker packages and still the problem is here.

Whenever I delete something both in Gnome and KDE it won't show up in Trash. I have to go to ~/.Trash and delete everything in there manually. I'd like to have the Trash can's functionality back because it's useful sometimes.

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the desktop trash icon? that's weird, because it's just a shortcut to your ~/.trash directory. do you mean nothing shows up in there when you click on it, or the thrashcan icon doesn't show full?


if it's the former, try deleting the icon & creating a new one. if it's the latter, right click the icon, go to the last tab (i forget the name of it) & make sure you have 2 different icons set....... one for empty, one for full.


edit: another thought....... it could be a mime/file type association problem. you might want to look into that if my other suggestions don't pan out.


Edited by chris z
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Yup, very weird. There is nothing in there. It's always empty and and the icon is always the empty one. The empty trash entry in it's menu is always unavailable.


This means I'll have to disable it from Gconf and reenable it but I doubt it would work since it happens in KDE too... but here goes.




Nope, nothing is fixed. The trash can still has some kind of functionality. If I put a file in there it disappears but doesn't get deleted. It's still in ~/.Trash but the Trash can is blind.

Edited by a13x
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a13x: I've got the same issue on Cooker, actually, now that you mention it. If you file a bug I'll vote for it. I've also noticed it doesn't *always* go to ~/.trash, which is mucho irritating. Sometimes if I delete something off my /data partition, which is a separate partition formatted ReiserFS, it will sometimes wind up in /data/J.Random.Directory/.trash . Which is a pain, as you can imagine.

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Got any other partitions? Look for a .Trash-$USERNAME

for example, I run as root so my trash is .Trash-root and has somehow been moved to hdb8 which is just a data partition. /hda8/.Trash-root


drop to init one and delete all .Trash directories

no, I haven't tried this....just a thought.....I rarely use the trash so it doesn't bother me.

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Got any other partitions? Look for a .Trash-$USERNAME

for example, I run as root so my trash is .Trash-root and has somehow been moved to hdb8 which is just a data partition. /hda8/.Trash-root


drop to init one and delete all .Trash directories

no, I haven't tried this....just a thought.....I rarely use the trash so it doesn't bother me.


I run as root too and .Trash-root was located in win_e. I dropped to init 1, deleted all the Trash and .Trash folders but the problem is still here.




I don't have a bugzilla account, nor the experience to create a bug report.

Edited by a13x
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