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Konqueror problem


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Everytime I double click on a directory Konqueror opens a new window. I don't use the double click button of my mouse (of which I know that it causes the opening of a new window), but simply the left finger button. The settings are so that it shouldn't open a new window everytime. This happens since I made a certain mistake causing a new entry to appear in the menu when I click on a specific directory with the right mouse button. This icon is an application (word in this case). When you toch it it opens the application. My guess is that this appeared when I mistakenly chose this application with 'open with' I thought to get rit of it by correcteing it by choosing Konquror again when asked 'open with'. It is quite irritating. But the menu entry remains.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

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go to settings->configure konqueror->behaviour & make sure "open folders in seperate windows" isn't checked.



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sorry, my bad, i didn't read your post thoroughly enough while i was in a hurry getting ready for work.


try going to Kontrol Center->components->file associations. look for the file extension you associated & make sure the settings are correct. if you go to file association settings in Konqueror, they are only Konqueror specific. the settings in Kontrol Center are system wide & will overide other settings. you may have a conflict occurring due to different settings in each location.


same goes for mouse settings........ change them in Kontrol Center->peripherals->mouse, if need be, not in Konqueror only.


also, if you change settings in Konqueror, remember to save them as the new default. if not, Konq will revert to the old settings upon closing/re-opening.



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