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I want to configure firefox so that mailto links are handled by thunderbird. In previous releases (it was called firebird those days) the trick was to install mozex extension and configure it. For some reasons, this does not work (for me) in Firefox 1.0. That is, mozex installs, I can see it's there when I right-click on a webpage. However, I can't configure mozex since it's not on the list of extensions (Tools->Extensions). Instead, clicking a mailto link brings up evolution.


Any suggestion please?

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I have the same problem. I also installed the mozex extension and it didn't help. I got a post from usenet on a possible fix. It's similar to how you make thunderbird open firefox when you click on links. It requires you to edit the prefs.js file. I'm not at home now so I'll have to wait until later to get the fix. I haven't tried it yet but will tonight.

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  • 3 months later...

From the CLI type gnome-default-applications-properties


then you get a window to choose default browser/email etc. Point it to the prog in the directory you installed it, and then add %s to the end to get shortcuts to work.

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