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Dual Booting? Messed up Linux

Guest mohbana

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Guest mohbana

Well i tried a daul boot and it didn't work, i had Linux Mandrake on a physically seperate hard drive (c:\) first, then installed XP on (d:\) (both phyiscally seperate drives)


it didn't give me an option to to load MDK, but rather just booted XP


My configurations is as follows:

IDE0-Master; 30GB FAT32 XP

IDE0-Slave; Nothin

IDE1-Master; CD-rom

IDE1-Slave; 20gb FAT32 empy partition that i want to install MDK on hopefully.


Can someone help me i wish to do a fresh install on d:\ (FAT32) ... if i where to install Linux now .. would it get rid of windows?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by mohbana
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Windows need to be on the primary master, which it is. In your explanation, I think you may have had that switched around. So your current setup will work fine.

Mandrake will identify your hard drive as hdd. Your windows will be on hda, and your cdrom will be hdc. It should install just fine without a hitch. Allow linux to make at least three prtitions on hdd, a /, a swap, and a /home. I recommend reisefs, but ext3 is good too.

Be sure to allow the bootloader to be installed on the primary boot reacord of hda. I would also remove hdd (your d: drive in windows) from the xp setup. xp has a habit of "datafying" partitions even when not in use! If windows does not it is there, it is better.

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Guest mohbana

One more question ... because this version 10.1 community which i installed previously installed didn't have the gcc/g++ compiler. gave me the unknown command error.


Is the installation of the linux easy? .... i mean, i just delete format the drive right nothin else? nothin to play about with in the boot loader thing?



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reinstalling/installing mandrake is very easy. you can not make a lot of mistakes. the only mistakes you dould make (but only if you really do not pay attention) is when you use the manual partition tool. but that one is imho easier to handle than e.g. partitionmagic. one click to create or remove a partition, one click to define its format and size and voilà, you are almost done.


the only thing that might need some tweaking is adding windows to the linuxbootmanager in case that it does not work automatically. there is a howto for this on this board (FAQ section) and many more are on the net. the only thing you have to remember is which bootloader you use. by default you have lilo as bootloader and this one is described in detail in the howtos.


in case anything does not work you expect it to work, post your questions in this forum. this is what we are here for... giving advice/fixing systems.


good luck :)

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if i'm understanding things correctly, you installed Windows XP AFTER you installed Mandrake? if that's the case, Windows XP took over the MBR & wiped Mandrake's entries clean. you just need to restore the MDK bootloader.


to do so, boot from the MDK install CD1, hit the F1 key as it's loading. you get a command prompt. type "rescue" (without ""), then choose restore boot loader from the options.



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ummm......... you mean remove Mandrake from your computer? if so, you can do it 2 ways.........


boot from the MDK CD, start the install process, then choose expert mode. that will bring you to the hard drive format tool. just re-format the partion(s) you have Mandrake installed on, preferably with vfat (fat 32) file system so Windows will recognize it.


you could also use the native Windows fdisk utility to reformat the Mandrake/Linux partitions.


if you find your MBR is snafu'd afterwards, boot Windows XP into safe mode/command prompt only & type............ fixmbr to repair the Windows bootloader. or, you could boot from a Win98 boot disk & type......... fdisk /mbr.



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You don't really need to have XP on the master drive.

I also have two hard drives, windose is on the slave.

Here is the relevant section from my /etc/lilo.conf:


other = /dev/hdb1

label = win98

table = /dev/hdb

map-drive = 0x80

to = 0x81

map-drive = 0x81

to = 0x80


This is supposed to fool windose into believing it's on the master. Whatever, it works. :thumbs:

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