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Mandrake login/KDE gone (now only "X"+IceWM)


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try the following: as root, open e.g konqueror and activate "show hidden files".


But I can't log in!

How can I do this in Konqueror when I can't even get past the Mandrake login window?

I do have an idea though.....


I may be completely misinterpreting the situation, but I have a feeling I've reinstalled everything I now need to make things work again, but in the process of it being damaged (not sure how that happened in the first place), some of the configuration files got damaged as well, as you're pointing out.


So...... if I can only get access to the Linux files/folders I should be fine, right?


I have an idea: I have this "Knoppix" CD which is Linux without any installation.

I tried booting with it just a moment ago, and I was able to access the stuff on my hard drive, but there seems to be 2 partitions actually!!! Most of the stuff (including "root") seemed to be on "/mnt/hdb1/" while the users (in "home") seemed to be on "/mnt/hdb6". Strange as I always thought everything was on the same drive.


In any case I think I'm able to access the drive in question. Does this help in any way?

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:oops: my fault, i forgot that you do not have a gui yet :lol:

-well, have you tried XFdrake as i told before? you haven't answered to that question yet.

-you can also remove the files without a graphical user interface, simply using the command line.

-you can use the knoppix cd to restore that. simply log in as root (there is no root password in knoppix), mount the partition and delete the config files.

-yes, there is a good reason that you have TWO partitions. one for filesystem, one for personal data. and this is very intelligent, because in a case such as this, where you might ahve to reinstall everything, you will keep all your important data alive. ;)

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OK, I'm writing this from Knoppix (I can't believe a complete operating system including all the needed software can be installed and used from this single CD!) Anyway, I've tried to delete stuff from the harddisk, but I get an error message saying that it's a read-only system:

root@ttyp0[hallvard_bak]# rm -rf .mcop

rm: cannot remove `.mcop': Read-only file system


(I entered an "su" to enter as the root user after opening a command-line window)


Is the read-only thingy because I've booted from the Knoppix CD (which of course is read-only)?


Regarding "XFdrake". Sorry, I've tried so many things that I've forgotten to comment on everything.

Yes, I believe I did try it, but I didn't have any success. Can't remember what happened: I think Mandrake didn't find it or something.


Is there a way I can boot with the Knoppix CD, and access my hard drive as if I was booting into Mandrake itself?

Is there a way I can create a Mandrake boot disk with only the minimal stuff on it? Or use the installation CD? I've used the "rescue" command to re-install the LILO bootloader, but perhaps the same CD can be used to give me the Linux command line, without the limitations that Knoppix seems to give.

That way I could log into a user, delete the mentioned setup files, then try again.


I really don't feel like giving in just yet, reinstalling Mandrake from scratch.

I almost had it yesterday, but probably shouldn't have logged out right away without asking here first.

As for the "dependency hell" stuff.... to me it seems like Mandrake refused to install "mdk" (after I had issued the "urpmi kdm" command) because the dependencies were wrong, meaning that nothing should have been installed. The software has probably been downloaded and is wasting space, but hasn't been installed.

I say this because installing the same stuff directly from my Mandrake 10.0 installation CDs worked without a hitch, so I can't have done too much damage (I hope).

That's why I don't want to reinstall all of this -after all, I've spent quite a lot of time setting everything up, downloading additional software (that I don't remember the names of now) etc.

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Is the read-only thingy because I've booted from the Knoppix CD (which of course is read-only)?


Disregard that question. I found out that by right-clicking on the "hdb6" desktop icon I got an option named "change read/write mode".

I'm now busy making a backup copy of a user directory before I delete all the invisible files.

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open a console window and mount the partitions.


sudo mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax

sudo mount /dev/hday /mnt/hday


or as root without the sudo command


mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax

mount /dev/hday /mnt/hday


finally, change permission from read only to read/write enable and get along removing the crap-files


edit: uhh... one minute too late :P

maybe it is good to save this bookmark: System Recovery with Knoppix

Edited by arctic
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not to beat a dead horse, but.........


i really think you sufficiently fubar'd things by mixing different versions of KDE & (quite possibly) QT stuff. if what you're now attempting to do is salvage personal stuff from /home, then reinstall, 'nuff said.


if you still think you can somehow get KDE back to working order, i think your attempts will be futile. i told you, i did this once before (mixing different versions of KDE & QT) & wasn't able to extricate myself from the mess, no matter what i tried. i even went as far as totally removing KDE via Gnome, then tried reinstalling from the MDK CD's, to no avail, due to dependency issues.


my final thoughts on the matter........ save your personal files, reinstall, make sure you use the correct sources next time, & consider this a lesson learned (unfortunately).



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OK, I've started Knoppix and have access to the "hdb" hard drive where Mandrake Linux and all my files are. But in order to fix all of this I'm guessing that I have two possibilities:


1) become a Linux expert so I know exactly which setup files I need to reconfigure by hand


2) be myself (a "novice newbie", or maybe just even a newbie still) and somehow run the configuration programs from the Linux hard drive that affect all of this stuff.


I would prefer option no. 2.

But how (if it's possible at all) can I run programs from the Mandrake harddrive using the Knoppix desktop? :o

I've tried running "kcontrol" for example, but that only starts Kcontrol from Knoppix, affecting Knoppix itself. I need to have it affect the users that are on my harddisk.


As for re-installing everything from scratch. That's something I really don't want to get into unless I've exhausted every other possibility. I've put a lot of work into my Linux setup (with the help of other people online), and it would be hard to get everything back the way it was.

So I'd rather not do this unless I'm absolutely sure there's no other way around it.

Since I was so close the other day when I managed to get the KDE desktop to appear I feel that the solution is right around the corner :D

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One step further, closer to the goal I think.... :D


Someone gave me a few suggestions which has brought some positive results:


1) I booted the Knoppix CD, then mounted the "hdb" (I think it was "hdb1", but it might have been "hdb6" -I forget) hard drive and made it able to write to.


2) From the command-line (Konqueror won't let me log in as root, or I haven't found a way to do that yet) I first do a "su" (super-user), then enter the command:


kwrite /mnt/hdb1/etc/inittab


3) This opens up the "inittab" file where I change the following line from:



to..... :


.... and save the file of course!


4) Reboot into Linux, log in (as root or any other user) using the command-line. This logs me in!


5) I enter the command "startx" which starts KDE and my desktop appears!


So what's left is the login manager. This is where I'm stuck.

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are you still getting dependency problems when you try to install the login manager? if so, please post what it's saying. if it's the original problem pertaining to 10.1 things, you're probably right back where you started.


if you mixed different versions of KDE, KDE may still run fine. the problems occur when trying to install things. after all this, i'm not exactly sure where you're at. if you have the correct sources set up now, then you can either use MCC->software->install to install the login manager (KDM) or do in terminal as root........... urpmi kdm. if you get dependency problems, you could always try to force the install by doing urpmi --allow-nodeps --force <package name here>. that will force the install without checking for dependencies. but by doing that, if the original problem still exists, you'll just be digging yourself into a deeper hole.



Edited by chris z
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No, I got some help setting up the URPMI stuff so that I would use the CD-ROM drive instead of the Internet, so I did a "urpmi kdm" command as I had done (unsuccessfully) before, and this time it worked perfectly!

This means that I now have 2 login manager choices:


1) MdkKDM (Mandrake Display Manager)

2) XDM (X Display Manager)

I'm still missing the 3rd one though, which fellow Mandrake users have told me is:

KDM (KDE Display Manager)


Anyway, bypassing the login manager works fine, so my guess is that there's some sort of configuration problem. I know I've seen an option somewhere in the Mandrake configuration that allows you to set each users' default desktop (KDE, Gnome etc.) -where is it? Perhaps it'll help redefine what Mandrake should do with a user after the password/username has been entered.

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if KDM is installed, it should be an option in MCC->boot->display manager (or something similar. i'm at work & can't remember which module, exactly.) it will be the same module where you can choose all your other display managers. if it's not there, then theoretically, it isn't installed.


what is the output of the following command in terminal as root.......


rpm -qa | grep -i kdebase3-kdm


that should show what version of KDM is installed, if any. please post it here. or, try using MCC->software->remove software & type kdm in the search. either one will show the version of kdm installed. if they both come up blank, then what is the output of.......


urpmi kdm


or, again, try MCC->software->install & type kdm in the search. either of those should gice you a version of KDM to install, if it isn't installed already.


i'm still concerned that you might have mixed KDE libraries installed. KDM for Mandrake 10.1 won't work with Mandrake 10.0.


one other thing to test, while you're at it............


if when you look in the "remove software" section & it finds a 10.1 version of KDM installed, try removing it (don't really remove it, just check it & click the uninstall button) & tell me what dependencies it want's to take with it.



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what is the output of the following command in terminal as root.......

rpm -qa | grep -i kdebase3-kdm

Hmmmm..... that's strange. I enter the command, wait for around 6-7 seconds, then I get the prompt back, without any results or anything.


that should show what version of KDM is installed, if any. please post it here. or, try using MCC->software->remove software & type kdm in the search. either one will show the version of kdm installed.




if they both come up blank, then what is the output of.......

urpmi kdm

# urpmi kdm

Everything already installed


.... so not much information there.


or, again, try MCC->software->install & type kdm in the search. either of those should gice you a version of KDM to install, if it isn't installed already.



i'm still concerned that you might have mixed KDE libraries installed. KDM for Mandrake 10.1 won't work with Mandrake 10.0.

I hope you're wrong. We'll see.


one other thing to test, while you're at it............

if when you look in the "remove software" section & it finds a 10.1 version of KDM installed, try removing it (don't really remove it, just check it & click the uninstall button) & tell me what dependencies it want's to take with it.

I'm not sure what you mean. Should I enter "kdm" in the "search" area or manually browse through everything there?OK, if I do that, I get the same result as I've mentioned earlier in this reply:




Moving on.... If I try to remove the first of the two ("kdebase-kdm-config-file-3.2-79mdk") I get the following dependencies (I wish I could simply copy/paste this, but there's no possibility to do that from the alert-window that comes up, so I have to enter it manually:

Because of their dependecies, the following package(s) also need to be removed:

kdebase-progs-3.2-79mdk, kdebase-servicemenu-10.0-7mdk,

mdkkdm-9.2-21mdk, mdklaunchhelp-9.2-7mdk



Then... if I try to remove the second choice ("mdkkdm-9.2-21mdk") I get this:

Because of their dependecies, the following package(s) also need to be removed:

kdebase-kdm-config-file-3.2-79mdk, kdebase-progs-3.2-79mdk,

kdebase-servicemenu-10.0-7mdk, mdklaunchhelp-9.2-7mdk



Phew! That's a lot of cryptic filenames to proof-read!

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or, again, try MCC->software->install & type kdm in the search. either of those should gice you a version of KDM to install, if it isn't installed already.




if that's the version of KDM that shows up in the install software module, then install it. that's the version you want. but.............


something else is still confusing me..........


I'm not sure what you mean. Should I enter "kdm" in the "search" area or manually browse through everything there?OK, if I do that, I get the same result as I've mentioned earlier in this reply:




Moving on.... If I try to remove the first of the two ("kdebase-kdm-config-file-3.2-79mdk") I get the following dependencies (I wish I could simply copy/paste this, but there's no possibility to do that from the alert-window that comes up, so I have to enter it manually:

Because of their dependecies, the following package(s) also need to be removed:

kdebase-progs-3.2-79mdk, kdebase-servicemenu-10.0-7mdk,

mdkkdm-9.2-21mdk, mdklaunchhelp-9.2-7mdk



Then... if I try to remove the second choice ("mdkkdm-9.2-21mdk") I get this:

Because of their dependecies, the following package(s) also need to be removed:

kdebase-kdm-config-file-3.2-79mdk, kdebase-progs-3.2-79mdk,

kdebase-servicemenu-10.0-7mdk, mdklaunchhelp-9.2-7mdk



notice, you have alot of MDK9.2 apps showing. i don't understand why you'd have any 9.2 apps on a 10.0 system. something still doesn't feel right to me. can anybody else watching this enlighten me as to why MDK9.2 apps would be on a 10.0 system?


go ahead & install kdebase-kdm-config-file-3.2-79mdk & see what happens. if you get any more dependency issues, please post them. you can install that eihter with MCC or urpmi.



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notice, you have alot of MDK9.2 apps showing. i don't understand why you'd have any 9.2 apps on a 10.0 system. something still doesn't feel right to me. can anybody else watching this enlighten me as to why MDK9.2 apps would be on a 10.0 system?


Beats me. It's probably what came on the 10.0 CDs and what Mandrake 10.0 is built upon.


go ahead & install kdebase-kdm-config-file-3.2-79mdk & see what happens. if you get any more dependency issues, please post them. you can install that eihter with MCC or urpmi.

Just done that now and it installed perfectly.

I now have all 3 choices of login manager as before!


I've tried the 3rd choice as well now (KDM -KDE Display Manager), but I'm still not able to log in. Same problem as before.


Another question: I removed all my "." (invisible) files and folders from one of the users, but made a backup copy of that whole home directory (I hope I did it correctly). Now I want to copy back all the "." files and folders. How do I do that?


The original home directory (where there are no "invisible" files/folders any longer) is /home/hallvard/


The backup (where I hopefully managed to back up everything, but not 100% sure as I'm not too experienced with Linux commands) is at:



What I want to do is copy back only the "invisible" files and folders. I want to leave the rest alone in case I haven't managed to back everything up correctly.

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well, first, i'm glad you got the KDM stuff straightened out. i'm still unsure of what you did in the first place to cause all of that mess. and i still don't know why you had/have various 10.1 & 9.2 packages mixed with 10.0. but, if it's working........... :screwy:


as for your "invisible" files question.........


are you talking about the "hidden view" files in /home/(user)? if so, i'm not sure if you want to copy those back. here's why...........


all of those files are user personal settings for various apps. if you had something corrupted in any of those that started this whole mess, you're prolly gonna be back where you started. if you just let the user log into his/her desktop, all of those folders will gradually be recreated as they use the various apps they're associated with. downside is, they're gonna have to reset all of their preferences & such for those apps.


if you really want to copy them back, i don't know of any easy way other than right clicking them, then copying/pasting each one back into the directory. that's the GUI method. if there's a CLI method, it eludes me. and, if you do that, make sure permissions are set to that user. i'm not sure what method you used to back them up, but if you did it via root, all of those folders are going to be root only permissions. in that case, again in lieu of a CLI method, you'll have to right click each one as root, go to the permissions tab, & set the user & group permisions for that particular user.


if anybody else has a btter way, please advice......



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