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Flux Menus


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[begin] (Fluxbox CVS)

[exec] (Eterm) {Eterm --trans -g 70x35+0+350 -b black -f honeydew2 -x --bordless --scrollbar=off --buttonbar=0 -c grey89 --font anorexia}

[exec] (Firebird) {/home/william/firefox/firefox}

[exec] (Run) {fbrun -bg black -fg white -font anorexia}

[exec] (Xkill) {xkill}

This is part of the .menu file when I used flux. You should give the entire path of where thunderbird is installed. It should work...(see firebird entry)

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Looks much like mine: my Thunderbird entry is -


[exec] (Thunderbird) {/home/nocturnes/thunderbird/thunderbird}


BY my reckoning that should show on the menu, but it doesn't. It is the correct path and of course I can open it via a terminal window. Wierd.

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Looks much like mine: my Thunderbird entry is -


[exec] (Thunderbird) {/home/nocturnes/thunderbird/thunderbird}


BY my reckoning that should show on the menu, but it doesn't. It is the correct path and of course I can open it via a terminal window. Wierd.

Did you do a menu update after adding that to the menu?

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